The "soil carbon app": New climate protection tool for German agriculture through soil care
New Hereon study proves the impact of wind farms on North Sea coastal ecosystems
The new Hereon research platform Tesperhude provides important data on the water of the Elbe River
Publication of the 6th Copernicus Ocean State Report with participation of Hereon
New Hereon study shows impact of offshore wind farms on sea surface climate
A research team with Hereon participation determines size of climate-relevant nitrogen reservoir
The Climate Service Center Germany is represented at the World Climate Conference by a number of researchers
The new research ship LUDWIG PRANDTL II is being built by the Lauenburg-based Hitzler shipyard. It is expected to cost around 15 million Euros
GERICS organises an "open week" on the occasion of the campaign of the German Federal Ministry of Environment
In the H2Mare flagship project, four Hereon institutes are researching the production of green hydrogen and secondary products for storing energy on the high ...