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Programme Planning and Controlling

The Programme Planning and Controlling division encompasses the Programme Planning and Controlling departments, the Hereon library and the “Quantensprung" laboratory for schools.

The Programme Planning and Controlling department coordinates and supports the program-oriented funding process for the Helmholtz Association - from research program applications, to progress analysis, right through to reporting on the progress of Helmholtz research programs. This includes the monitoring of relevant key figures for strategic decisions regarding the focus of the research programs and quality assurance for those programs.

In addition, the division is involved in all processes that are relevant to the Hereon management board within the scope of a scientifically suitable control process.

The “Quantensprung" school laboratory makes an important contribution to knowledge transfer and to the development of scientific interest amongst schoolchildren and teachers. As an information centre, the Hereon library supports scientists in their work and research.

Programme Planning and Controlling Hereon library “Quantensprung" Laboratory for schools


Dr. Iris Ulrich Head of Programme Planning and Controlling

Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1633

E-mail contact