Acronym | Title | Further information |
FOXSTORM (ERC Consolidator Grant) | Feedbacks on extreme storms by ocean turbulent mixing | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
SEACLIM | European seas climate impact prediction through regional models | |
NWS-MFC | Northwest Shelf Marine Forecasting System | |
BLK-MFC | Black Sea Marine Forecasting System | |
AQUARIUS | Aqua Research Infrastructure Services for the health and protection of our unique, oceans, seas and freshwater ecosystems | |
LandSeaLot | Land-Sea interface: Let’s observe together! | |
SEA-Quester | Blue Carbon production, export and sequestration in emerging polar ecosystems | |
FOCAL | Efficient exploration of climate data locally | |
SEADOTs | Social-ecological ocean management applications with Digital Ocean Twins | |
ECOTWIN | Emulating complex causal socio-ecological models in Digital Twins of Ocean | |
MEDSEAPLAN | Data and Scenarios for a Sustainable Mediterranean Blue Economy | |
IDAlert | Infectious disease decision-support tools and alert systems to build climate resilience to emerging health threats | |
CLIMATEUROPE2 | Supporting and standardizing climate services in Europe and beyond | |
DTO-BioFlow | Integration of biodiversity monitoring data into the Digital Twin Ocean | |
ANEMOI | Chemical emissions from offshore wind farms: assessing impacts, gaps and opportunities | |
NECCTON | New Copernicus capability for trophic ocean networks | |
AquaINFRA | Infrastructure for marine and inland water research | |
CROSSEU | Cross-sectoral framework for socio-economic resilience to climate change and extreme events in Europe | |
FOCCUS | Forecasting and observing the open-to-coastal ocean for Copernicus users | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
CLIMABOROUGH | Building green and climate neutral city-hubs | |
OLAMUR | Offshore low-trophic aquaculture in multi-use scenario realisation | |
OptFor-EU | Optimising forest management decisions for a low-carbon, climate resilient future in Europe | |
MARCO-BOLO | Marine Coastal Biodiversity Long-term Observations | |
IMPETUS4CHANGE | Improving near-term climate predictions for societal transformation | |
The HuT | The Human-Tech Nexus - Building a safe haven to cope with climate extremes | |
DAWN | Data assimilation of wave spectra observations and its impact on sea state predictions | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
MAGICA | Maximising the synergy of European research governance and innovation for climate action | |
VALORADA | Validated local risk actionable data for adaptation | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
EDITO-Model Lab | Underlying models for the European Digital Twin Ocean | |
BEACH-SOS | Climate Smart Baltic Beaches and Tourism | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
SUNRISE | Strategies and technologies for united and resilient critical infrastructures and vital services in pandemic-stricken Europe | |
PlasticTrace | Metrological traceability of measurement data from nano- to small-microplastics for a greener environment and food safety | |
NAPSEA | The effectiveness of nitrogen and phosphorus load reduction measures from source to sea, considering the effects of climate change | |
MetroPOEM | Metrology for the harmonisation of measurements of environmental pollutants in Europe | |
MarinePlan | Improved transdisciplinary science for effective ecosystem-based maritime spatial planning and conservation in European Seas | |
CIRCE | City-oriented impacts of regional climate for Europe | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
CMEMS2 BS-MFC | Black Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Centre (CMEMS2) | |
VERIBLUE | Validation/VERIfication and intercomparison of forecast and reanalysis BLUE products | |
DEISY | Design study (and Implementation) of a high-resolution forecasting system for the blue and green ocean in the North Sea | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
COASTAL-RISKS | Predicting risks of the German Bight Coasts under extreme storm events | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
DANUBIUS-IP | DANUBIUS Implementation Phase Project | |