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Dr. Nils Christiansen

Nils Christiansen Portraitfoto

Dr. Nils Christiansen

Matter Transport and Ecosystem Dynamics


Phone: +49 (0) 4152 87-2132

E-mail contact

My primary research interests lie in offshore renewable energies, particularly offshore wind and hydrogen, and how their infrastructure and production can influence ocean dynamics. This includes studying physical changes in the atmosphere and ocean (e.g., wake effects) and their influence on hydrodynamics and marine ecosystems. My goal is to better understand the extent of human impact caused by offshore renewables, in order to determine how we can mitigate negative impacts while fostering benefits for the marine environment.

Projects (ongoing)


Social Media

Research Gate NilsChristiansen@ResearchGate

Research Experience

since 2023Postdoc at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany
2019 - 2022PhD Student at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany


2019 - 2023PhD at Universität Hamburg, Germany
2016 - 2018M. Sc. Geophysics at University of Münster, Germany
2013 - 2016B. Sc. Geophysics at University of Münster, Germany