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Dr. Arno Behrens

Dr. Arno Behrens

Hydrodynamics and Data Assimilation


Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1556

E-mail contact


• Development, implementation, maintenance of wave hindcast and forecast systems on all scales. Responsible for the distribution of the spectral third generation wave model WAM worldwide.
• Assimilation of satellite data into wave model fields
• Validation of wave model results with buoy and satellite data
• Ensemble predictions for ocean surface waves on the regional scale

Social Media

Current Projects

  • BS_MFC Provision of ocean analysis and forecast products for the Black Sea
  • CMEMS Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service
  • 2WICWAM Beratung und Support im Rahmen des DWD Projektes 2WICWAM
  • Weiterentwicklung des Regionalen Seegangsmodells Zentrum Geoinformationswesen Bundeswehr

Closed Projects

  • CEASELESS Copernicus Evolution and Applications with Sentinel Enhancements and Land Effluents for Shores and Seas
  • Wave2NEMO


Dr. Arno Behrens, born 1955 in Hamburg

1983: Diploma in Oceanography, University of Hamburg
1983 – 1986: Postgraduate, Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar Research, Bremerhaven
1986: Ph.D degree, University of Hamburg
since 1986: Scientist at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (Hereon, former GKSS)

Dr. Arno Behrens is research scientist at the Hereon Institute of Coastal Systems Analysis and Modeling, currently in the department ‘Hydrodynamics and Data Assimilation’. He is working for many years in the field of wave modelling (mainly with the third generation wave model WAM) and is responsible at Hereon for the development, implementation and maintenance of wave forecast systems that run operational at many institutes worldwide. He was involved in numerous commercial and scientific projects as for example in the EU-projects PROMISE, SEAROUTES, SAFEDOR, ADOPT, FIELD_AC, MYWAVE, DEMARINE and COSYNA. Currently responsible for the operational wave forecast routine for the Black Sea in the frame of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring System (CMEMS) including the Black Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Center (BS-MFC).