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Dr. Andreas Kannen

Andreas Kannen

Dr. Andreas Kannen

Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas


Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1874

E-mail contact

Deputy Head of Department

Andreas Kannen’s work involves approaches for institutional and social assessments of environmental and economic changes in coastal areas. His focus is on changes in marine use patterns and evolvement of maritime industries, particularly offshore wind farming, Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and institutional aspects of marine governance. Dr. Kannen’s specific interests include dimensions of scale (in time and space), differences in problem perspectives between actors from different sectors and countries, and the transnational dimensions of spatial planning.
Trained as a geographer, and following a research study in Bangladesh, Dr. Kannen gained experience at a consulting company before he joined the Research and Technology Centre Westcoast in Buesum, Northern Germany from 1996 to 2007. He finished his PhD on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) at Kiel University in the year 2000 and has worked at Hereon in the Department Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas since May 2007. Dr. Kannen is an experienced coordinator and work package leader of large national and international projects. Furthermore, he has been involved in several international research networks and advisory groups. Since 2010 and has served as chair of the ICES Working Group on Marine Planning and Coastal Zone Management (WGMPCZM) and as co-chair of related ICES Workshops such as Quality Assurance of MSP and Cultural Dimensions of Ecosystem Services.

  • Coastal Management
  • Marine planning and informal approaches
  • synthesis/integration of natural- and social sciences
  • environment/society-interaction


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Dr. Andreas Kannen is part of the research project Coastwise. Further information can be found here: Projects


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Dr. Andreas Kannen is part of the research project Land2Sea. Further information can be found here: Projects


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Dr. Andreas Kannen is part of the research project Coastwise. Further information can be found here: Projects

He was part of the following research projects:

Balt Space Logo
Spain project
KnowSeas Logo
BaltSeaPlan logo
Logo Coastalfutures
Further information to all research projects can be found here.