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Research Projects

Real-World Lab 70 GW Offshore Wind (MWK Niedersachsen, 2024-2029)

The Real-World Lab 70 GW Offshore Wind aims to develop an integrative and holistic socio-technical analysis for the politically envisioned expansion of Offshore Wind Energy in the German North Sea. Fundamentals and building blocks of possible development pathways for achieving the 70 GW offshore capacity will be developed, analyzed and translated into recommendations for action. The Real-World Lab aims to implement a transdisciplinary approach jointly with non-scientific stakeholders. The Hereon Department of Human Dimensions in Coastal Areas is involved in Innovation Area I of the Real-World Lab, focusing on analysis and evaluation of potential regional conflicts, opportunities and conditions for success of offshore wind farm expansion, and on the design of relevant participation processes in coastal regions. Based on the hypthesis, that realization of the politically desired offshore expansion implies a significant industrialization boost for the German North Sea and its coastal regions, corresponding development and expansion of energy infrastructures as well as port and transport infrastructures, but also establishing production and maintenance companies and adaptation of social infrastructure are required prerequisites. more

EcoTwin (EU, 2024-2027)

EcoTwin aims to enhance the European Digital Twin Ocean (EDITO) and local Digital Twins of Ocean (DTOs) by integrating socio-ecological models, making ocean data and knowledge more accessible for a broad audience, including citizens, entrepreneurs, scientists, and policymakers. By developing innovative SE models and analysis tools, EcoTwin seeks to improve decision-making and scenario analysis related to ocean health and coastal management. The department Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas provides social science expertise to several use case analyses, supporting transdisciplinary dialogues and development of social models for all the use cases and developing transdisciplinary marine policy risk assessment. more

CoastalFutures (BMBF, 2021-2027)

Coastalfutures Logo

Logo CoastalFutures

CoastalFutures pursues a transdisciplinary approach by involving various interest groups within a dialogue-oriented structure to generate system and target knowledge. As part of this co-design, the Department Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas develops transdisciplinary approaches and involves various stakeholder groups in dialogues on multi-use concepts of marine areas as well as in transdisciplinary risk analysis and assessment. more



Logo REKLIM (source: project Reklim)

The Helmholtz Climate Initiative REKLIM (Regionale Klimaänderungen/Regional climate change) is a consortium of nine research centres within the Helmholtz Association. REKLIM is using its unique combination of competence in regional observations and process studies (in situ observations, airborne and satellite remote sensing) coupled with model simulations to improve regional and global climate models, which provide a solid basis for climate-related decision support. more

Risk Awareness for Climate Change


Longitudinal study about risk awareness (source: Hereon)

Since 2008 each year 500 Hamburg citizens have been asked for their opinion about the impact of climate change on their living. Futhermore they were asked about the probability of natural disasters. On behalf of Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Institute of Coastal Research the survey has been conducted by forsa, a research institute for social research and statistical analysis.