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International Council for the Exporation of the Sea (ICES)

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Logo ICES (source: ICES)

The department Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas is involved in several activities of the International Council for the Exporation of the Sea (ICES). Dr. Andreas Kannen acts currently as German representative in the ICES Science Committee and Dr. Kira Gee took in 2025 the role as co-chair of the ICES Working Group on Marine Planning and Coastal Zone Management (WGMPCZM). Further activities include co-chairing of sessions at ICES Annual Science Conferences, co-authoring Cooperative Research Reports, initiating and co-chairing ICES Workshops on quality of marine planning processes, cultural dimensions of coastal and marine planning as well as risks and conflicts in planning. Furthermore, the department is - together with colleagues from other departments at Hereon – involved in the development of research on offshore windfarms within ICES. more

Particular reports with Hereon involve:

Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN) at the University of Hamburg

CEN logo

Logo CEN, University of Hamburg (source: University of Hamburg)

The Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN) brings together the expertise of nine university institutes and facilities and is part of the KlimaCampus Hamburg. CEN links the natural and social sciences – in research, education, and in promoting and supporting the next generation of researchers – and combines resources to address far-reaching, cross-disciplinary questions. The Hereon department Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas cooperates with the CEN particularly in the research topic Energy Landscapes. more

Department of Integrative Geography, University of Hamburg

Logo der Universität Hamburg

Logo University of Hamburg (source: University of Hamburg)

Linking the areas of physical and human geography as well as re-integrating both areas into research and teaching practice, as has often been discussed in the past, are the goals of this department. The team focuses on the interactions between humans and nature and the interdependency between the environment and society. more