Publications 2008 - 2024
- Zhang, X.,Li, L.,Xie, Z.,Ma, J.,Li, Y.,Cai, M.,Ren, N.Q.,Kallenborn, R.,Zhang, Z.F.,Muir, D.C.G. (2024) . Exploring global oceanic persistence and ecological effects of legacy persistent organic pollutants across five decades. Science Advances, Vol. 10, , , 39, ado5534. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Vecchiato, M.,Barbante, C.,Barbaro, E.,Burgay, F.,Cairns, W.R.L.,Callegaro, A.,Cappelletti, D.,Dallo, F.,D'Amico, M.,Feltracco, M.,Gallet, J.C.,Gambaro, A.,Larose, C.,Maffezzoli, N.,Mazzola, M.,Sartorato, I.,Scoto, F.,Turetta, C.,Vardè, M.,Xie, Z.,Spolaor, A. (2024) . The seasonal change of PAHs in Svalbard surface snow. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 340, Part 1, , , , 122864. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Freeling, F.,van Leeuwen, S.,Hollender, J.,Xingang, L.,Nödler, K.,Wang, Z.,Yu, B.,Zahn, D.,Sigmund, G. (2024) . Pesticides can be a substantial source for trifluoroacetate (TFA) to water resources. Environment International, Vol. 193, , , , 109061. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ma, H.,Wang, C.,Suo, H.,Huang, Y.,Huo, Y.,Yang, G.,Yan, Y.,Huang, T.,Gao, H.,Ma, J.,Xie, Z. (2024) . Global Gridded Emission Inventory of Organophosphate Flame Retardants from 2010 to 2020. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 58, , , 38, 17070–17080. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Menger, F.,Römerscheid, M.,Lips, S.,Klein, O.,Nabi, D.,Gandrass, J.,Joerss, H.,Wendt-Potthoff, K.,Bedulina, D.,Zimmermann, T.,Schmitt-Jansen, M.,Huber, C.,Böhme, A.,Ulrich, N.,Beck, A.J.,Pröfrock, D.,Achterberg, E.P.,Jahnke, A.,Hildebrandt, L. (2024) . Screening the release of chemicals and microplastic particles from diverse plastic consumer products into water under accelerated UV weathering conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 477, , , , 135256. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Kötke, D.,Gandrass, J.,Bento, C.P.M.,Ferreira, C.S.S.,Ferreira, A.J.D. (2024) . Occurrence and environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in the Mondego River (Portugal). Heliyon, Vol. 10, , , 15, e34825. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Debler, F.,Abrantes, N.,Harkes, P.,Campos, I.,Gandrass, J. (2024) . Occurrence and distribution of pesticides and transformation products in ambient air in two European agricultural areas. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 940, , , , 173705. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Debler, F.,Gandrass, J. (2024) . Development of an analytical method for the determination of more than 300 pesticides and metabolites in the particulate and gaseous phase of ambient air. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 416, , , , 3059-3071. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ma, H.,He, J.,Fan, H.,Zhang, N.,Wu, Q.,Zhang, S.,Zhang, C.,Huang, T.,Gao, H.,Ma, J.,Xie, Z. (2024) . The influence of emerging atmospheric organophosphorus flame retardants from land source emissions on the East China Sea. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 465, , , , 133404. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Xie, Z.,Kallenborn, R. (2023) . Legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in polar regions. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Vol. 42, , , , 100840. DOI: .
- Escher, B.I.,Altenburger, R.,Blüher, M.,Colbourne, J.K.,Ebinghaus, R.,Fantke, P.,Hein, M.,Köck, W.,Kümmerer, K.,Leipold, S.,Li, X.,Scheringer, M.,Scholz, S.,Schloter, M.,Schweizer, P.-J.,Tal, T.,Tetko, I.,Traidl-Hoffmann, C.,Wick, L.Y.,Fenner, K. (2023) . Modernizing Persistence-Bioaccumulation-Toxicity (PBT) Assessment with High Throughput Animal-free Methods. Archives of Toxicology, Vol. 97, , , , 1267-1283. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R.,Barbaro, E.,Bengtson Nash, S.,de Avila, C.,de Wit, C.A.,Dulio, V.,Felden, J.,Franco, A.,Gandrass, J.,Grotti, M.,Herata, H.,Hughes, K.A.,Jartun, M.,Joerss, H.,Kallenborn, R.,Koschorrek, J.,Küster, A.,Lohmann, R.,Wang, Z.,MacLeod, M.,Pugh, R.,Rauert, C.,Slobodnik, J., Sühring, R.,Vorkamp, K.,Xie, Z. (2023) . Berlin Statement on Legacy and Emerging Contaminants in Polar Regions. Chemosphere, Vol. 327, , , , 138530. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Koziol, K.,Kallenborn, R.,Xie, Z.,Larose, C.,Spolaor, A.,Barbaro, E.,Kavan, J.,Kępski, D.,Nikulina, A.,Zawierucha, K.,Pearce, D.,Cockerton, L.,Nawrot, A.,Pawlak, F.,Pakszys, P.,Cappelletti, D. (2023) . Harmonising Environmental Research and Monitoring of Priority Pollutants and Impurities in the Svalbard Atmosphere. SESS report 2022 : The State of Environmental Science in Svalbard - an annual report, Vol. , , , , 78-115. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Lange, M.,Cabana, D.,Ebeling, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Joerss, H.,Rölfer, L.,Celliers, L. (2023) . Climate-smart socially innovative tools and approaches for marine pollution science in support of sustainable development. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, Vol. 1, , , , E23. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Menger, F. (2023) . The complex ‘PFAS world’ - how recent discoveries and novel screening tools reinforce existing concerns. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Vol. 40, , , , 100775. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Mi, L.,Xie, Z.,Xu, W.,Waniek, J.J.,Pohlmann, T.,Mi, W. (2023) . Air–sea exchange and atmospheric deposition of phthalate esters in the South China Sea. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 57, , , 30, 11195-11205. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Schattschneider, J. (2023) . Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von organischen Plastikadditiven in wässrigen Proben mittels LC-MS/MS und GC-MSMS.
- Joerss, H.,Schaaf, J.,Schramm, T.,Menger, F.,Ahrens, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2023) . Neuartige per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen in europäischen Fluss-Meer-Systemen. Vom Wasser, Vol. 121, , , 2, 46-49. DOI: .
- Li, S.,Zhang, Y.,Cong, B.,Liu, S.,Mi, W.,Xie, Z. (2023) . Spatial distribution, source identification and flux estimation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in basins of the Eastern Indian Ocean. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 905, , , , 166974. DOI: .
- Mi, L.,Xie, Z.,Zhang, L.,Waniek, J.J.,Pohlmann, T.,Mi, W.,Xu, W. (2023) . Organophosphate esters in air and seawater of the South China Sea: Spatial distribution, transport, and air-sea exchange. Environment & Health, Vol. 1, , , 3, 191-202. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Macherius, A.,Joerss, H.,Ulrich, H.,Lämmer, R.,Fu, Q.,Göckener, B.,Gandraß, J.,Koschorreck, J. (2023) . DeltaPFAS – An inter-lab working group to explore the unknown PFAS space. Interntaional Conference on Non-Target Screening (ICNTS 23), Vol. , Erding (DEU), 16.10.2023 - 19.10.2023, , .
- Menger, F.,Römerscheid, M.,Nabi, D.,Hildebrandt, L.,Lips, S.,Bedulina, D.,Huber, C.,Gandrass, J.,Jahnke, A.,Krauss, M.,Beck, A.,Joerss, H. (2023) . Plastic, water & the sun – Characterization of chemicals leaching from plastic under UV light treatment. International Conference on Non-Target Screening (ICNTS 23), Vol. , Erding (DEU), 16.10.2023 - 19.10.2023, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2023) . From the coastal margins to the Arctic ocean – PFAS in the marine environment. GDCh Kolloquium des Ortsverbandes Darmstadt (Wintersemester 2023/2024), Vol. , Darmstadt (DEU), 07.11.2023 - 07.11.2023, , .
- Menger, F. (2023) . Environmental chemicals and human health. HEAL 2023 Conference – Collective Action for Health Environment and Climate, Vol. , Online (AUS), 14.11.2023 - 16.11.2023, , .
- Joerss, H. (2023) . Suspect- und Non-Target-Screening von per- und polyfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in Oberbodenproben. Projektbericht an das Landesamt für Natur-, Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutz NRW, Vol. , , , , .
- Menger, F.,Andersson, P.L.,Weiss M.J. (2023) . Integration of chemicals market data with suspect screening using in silico tools to identify potential new and emerging risk chemicals. Screening of Pollutants in the Environment: Non-target Strategies and Latest Trends, Book Series: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol. , , , , . DOI: .
- Joerss, H.,Schaaf, J.,Wittmann, A.,Beck, A.J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2023) . Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen entlang der europäischen Westküste - Verteilungsmuster und Trends für den Ersatzstoff HFPO-DA. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie, Vol. 29, , , 4, 100-103.
- Xie, Z.,Wang, P.,Wang, X.,Castro-Jiménez, J.,Kallenborn, R.,Liao, C.,Mi, W.,Lohmann, R.,Vila-Costa, M.,Dachs, J. (2022) . Organophosphate ester pollution in the oceans. Nature Reviews. Earth & Environment, Vol. 3, , , 5, 309-322. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhang, L.,Xu, W.,Mi, W.,Yan, W.,Guo, T.,Zhou, F.,Miao, L.,Xie, Z. (2022) . Atmospheric deposition, seasonal variation, and long-range transport of organophosphate esters on Yongxing Island, South China Sea. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 806, , , , 150673. DOI: .
- Naumann, T.,Bento, C.,Wittmann, A.,Gandrass, J.,Tang, J.,Zhen, X.,Liu, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of neonicotinoids and related insecticides in the Bohai Sea and its surrounding rivers, China. Water Research, Vol. 209, , , , 117912. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ma, Y.,Luo, Y.,Zhu, J.,Zhang, J.,Gao, G.,Mi, W.,Xie, Z.,Lohmann, R. (2022) . Seasonal variation and deposition of atmospheric organophosphate esters in the coastal region of Shanghai, China. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 300, , , , 118930. DOI: .
- Gandraß, J.,Küster, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Herata, H.,Xie, Z.,Koschorreck, J. (2022) . Act now - Legacy and Emerging Contaminants in Polar Regions : Workshop Report : Online Expert Workshop January 25th -26th 2022. OPEN ACCESS
- Cong, B.,Li, S.,Liu, S.,Mi, W.,Zhang, C.,Xie, Z. (2022) . Source and Distribution of Emerging and Legacy Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Basins of the Eastern Indian Ocean. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 56, , , 7, 4199-4209. DOI: .
- Custódio, D.,Pfaffhuber, K. A.,Spain, T. G.,Pankratov, F. F.,Strigunova, I.,Molepo, K.,Skov, H.,Bieser, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . Odds and ends of atmospheric mercury in Europe and over the North Atlantic Ocean: temporal trends of 25 years of measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 22, , , 6, 3827-3840. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Custódio, D.,Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . Near-global mapping of TGM based on aircraft measurements from intercontinental flights. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 291, , , , 119354. DOI: .
- Joerss, H.,Menger, F.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ahrens, L. (2022) . Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Suspect Screening Reveals Point Source-Specific Patterns of Emerging and Novel Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in German and Chinese Rivers. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 56, , , 9, 5456-5465. DOI: .
- Xie, Z.,Zhang, P.,Wu, Z.,Zhang, S.,Wei, L.,Mi, L.,Kuester, A.,Gandrass, J.,Ebinghaus, R.,Yang, R.,Wang, Z.,Mi, W. (2022) . Legacy and emerging organic contaminants in the polar regions. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 835, , , , 155376. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Custódio, D.,Borrego, C.,Relvas, H. (2022) . Worldwide Evaluation of CAMS-EGG4 CO2 Data Re-Analysis at the Surface Level. Toxics, Vol. 10, , , 6, 331. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Garnett, J.,Halsall, C.,Winton, H.,Joerss, H.,Mulvaney, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Frey, M.,Jones, A.,Lesson, A.,Wynn, P. (2022) . Increasing Accumulation of Perfluorocarboxylate Contaminants Revealed in an Antarctic Firn Core (1958–2017). Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 56, , , 16, 11246-11255. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . From the coastal margins to the Arctic ocean – PFAS in the marine environment. International Forum on Marine Environment and Ecosystem, Vol. , Virtual, 15.08.2022, , .
- Menger, F.,Joerss, H. (2022) . The complex PFAS world - Recent discoveries and novel HRMS-based screening tools. NTS workshop on analytical techniques and implementation, Vol. , Odense (DNK), 29.11.2022 - 30.11.2022, , .
- Joerss, H.,Lange, M.,Takyar, H.,Baldewein, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . PFAS explorer. Coastal Pollution Toolbox, Vol. , , , , .
- Lian, L.,Huang, T.,Ling, Z.,Li, S.,Li, J.,Jiang, W.,Gao, H.,Tao, S.,Liu, J.,Xie, Z.,Mao, X.,Ma, J. (2021) . Interprovincial trade driven relocation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and lung cancer risk in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 280, , , Part 1, 124368. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Bento, C.,Naumann, T.,Wittmann, A.,Tang, J.,Zhen, X.,Liu, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2021) . River-Sea Systems: Spatial and temporal occurrence of Neonicotinoids, Glyphosate and related transformation products in the Chinese Bohai Sea and 36 surrounding Rivers. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vol. , Virtual, 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021, , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Tröger, R.,Ren, H.,Yin, D.,Postigo, C.,Nguyen, P.,Baduel, C.,Golovko, O.,Been, F.,Joerss, H.,Boleda, M.,Polesello, S.,Roncoroni, M.,Taniyasu, S.,Menger, F.,Ahrens, L.,Lai, F.,Wiberg, K. (2021) . What's in the water? – Target and suspect screening of contaminants of emerging concern in raw water and drinking water from Europe and Asia. Water Research, Vol. 198, , , , 117099. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Menger, F.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ahrens, L. (2021) . Suspect screening of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in German and Chinese river water affected by point sources. SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting, Vol. , Virtual, 03.05.2021 - 06.05.2021, , .
- Garnett, J.,Halsall, C.,Thomas, M.,Crabeck, O.,France, J.,Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kaiser, J.,Leeson, A.,Wynn, P. (2021) . Investigating the Uptake and Fate of Poly- and Perfluoroalkylated Substances (PFAS) in Sea Ice Using an Experimental Sea Ice Chamber. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 55, , , 14, 9601-9608. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R.,Grøsvik, B.,Hassellöv, I.,Moffat, C.,Simcock, A.,Sonesten, L.,Vlahos, P.,Achterberg, E.,Alo, B.,Andrade, C.,Bebianno, M.,Caetano, M.,Gnandi, K.,Hong, G.,Kim, S.,Lohmann, R.,Stankiewicz, M.,Wang, J. (2021) . Chapter 11: Changes in liquid and atmospheric inputs to the marine environment from land (including through groundwater), ships and offshore installations. The Second World Ocean Assessment, Vol. 2, , , , 101-150. OPEN ACCESS
- Jin, T.,Peydayesh, M.,Joerss, H.,Zhou, J.,Bolisetty, S.,Mezzenga, R. (2021) . Amyloid fibril-based membranes for PFAS removal from water. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, Vol. 7, , , 10, 1873-1884. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Garnett, J.,Halsall, C.,Vader, A.,Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Leeson, A.,Wynn, P. (2021) . High Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Arctic Seawater Driven by Early Thawing Sea Ice. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 55, , , 16, 11049-11059. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Silva, V.,Alaoui, A.,Schlünssen, V.,Vested, A.,Graumans, M.,van Dael, M.,Trevisan, M.,Suciu, N.,Mol, H.,Beekmann, K.,Figueiredo, D.,Harkes, P.,Hofman, J.,Kandeler, E.,Abrantes, N.,Campos, I.,Martínez, M.Á.,Pereira, J.,Goossens, D.,Gandrass, J.,Debler, F.,Lwanga, E.,Jonker, M.,van Langevelde, F.,Sorensen, M.T.,Wells, J.M.,Boekhorst, J.,Huss, A.,Mandrioli, D.,Sgargi, D.,Nathanail, P.,Nathanail, J.,Tamm, L.,Fantke, P.,Mark, J.,Grovermann, C.,Frelih-Larsen, A.,Herb, I.,Chivers, C.-A.,Mills, J.,Alcon, F.,Contreras, J.,Baldi, I.,Pasković, I.,Matjaz, G.,Norgaard, T.,Aparicio, V.,Ritsema, C.J.,Geissen, V.,Scheepers, P.T.J. (2021) . Collection of human and environmental data on pesticide use in Europe and Argentina: Field study protocol for the SPRINT project. PLoS One, Vol. 16, , , 11, e0259748. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhao, X.,Jin, H.,Ji, Z.,Li, D.,Kaw, H.,Chen, J.,Xie, Z.,Zhang, T. (2020) . PAES and PAHs in the surface sediments of the East China Sea: Occurrence, distribution and influence factors. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 703, , , , 134763. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Custodio, D.,Ebinghaus, R.,Spain, T.,Bieser, J. (2020) . Source apportionment of atmospheric mercury in the remote marine atmosphere: Mace Head GAW station, Irish western coast. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 20, , , 13, 7929-7939. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R. (2020) . Emission sources; regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury. European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA), Vol. , Grenoble (F), 06.01.2020 - 31.01.2020, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2020) . Emission sources; regional and global distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA), Vol. , Grenoble (F), 06.01.2020-31.01.2020, , .
- Xie, Z.,Wang, Z.,Magand, O.,Thollot, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Mi, W.,Dommergue, A. (2020) . Occurrence of legacy and emerging organic contaminants in snow at Dome C in the Antarctic. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 741, , , , 140200. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Petäjä, T.,Duplissy, E.,Tabakova, K.,Ebinghaus, R.,Xie, Z. (2020) . Overview: Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Environments (iCUPE) – concept and initial results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 20, , , 14, 8551-8592. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Han, X.,Xie, Z.,Tian, Y.,Yan, W.,Miao, L.,Zhang, L.,Zhu, X.,Xu, W. (2020) . Spatial and seasonal variations of organic corrosion inhibitors in the Pearl River, South China: Contributions of sewage discharge and urban rainfall runoff. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 262, , , , 114321. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Wang, P.,Mi, W.,Xie, Z.,Tang, J.,Apel, C.,Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Zhang, Q. (2020) . Overall comparison and source identification of PAHs in the sediments of European Baltic and North Seas, Chinese Bohai and Yellow Seas. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 737, , , , 139535. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Yang, L.,He, L.,Xue, J.,Ma, Y.,Xie, Z.,Wu, L.,Huang, M.,Zhang, Z. (2020) . Persulfate-based degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in aqueous solution: Review on influences, mechanisms and prospective. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 393, , , , 122405. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Schramm, T.,Sun, L.,Guo, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2020) . Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Chinese and German river water – Point source- and country-specific fingerprints including unknown precursors. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 267, , , , 115567. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Huang, T.,Ling, Z.,Ma, J.,Macdonald, R.,Gao, H.,Tao, S.,Tian, C.,Song, S.,Jiang, W.,Chen, L.,Chen, K.,Xie, Z.,Zhao, Y.,Zhao, L.,Gu, C.,Mao, X. (2020) . Human exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls embodied in global fish trade. Nature Food, Vol. 1, , , 5, 292-300. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhang, L.,Yan, W.,Xie, Z.,Cai, G.,Mi, W.,Xu, W. (2020) . Bioaccumulation and changes of trace metals over the last two decades in marine organisms from Guangdong coastal regions, South China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 98, , , , 103-108. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2020) . Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen im Rheinverlauf - Vorkommen und Verteilung in Wasser und Sedimenten. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, Vol. 26, , , 3, 76-80. OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Xie, Z.,Wagner, C.,von Appen, W.,Sunderland, E.,Ebinghaus, R. (2020) . Transport of Legacy Perfluoroalkyl Substances and the Replacement Compound HFPO-DA through the Atlantic Gateway to the Arctic Ocean—Is the Arctic a Sink or a Source?. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 54, , , 16, 9958-9967. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ferreira, C.,Apel, C.,Bento, C.,Koetke, D.,Ferreira, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2019) . Assessment of UV Filters and Parabens in a Small Portuguese Peri-Urban Catchment. TERRAenVISION 2019, Vol. , Barcelona (ESP), 02.09.2019 - 07.09.2019, , .
- Kötke, D.,Gandrass, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2019) . Prioritised pharmaceuticals in German estuaries and coastal waters: Occurrence and environmental risk assessment. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 255-1, , , , 113161. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Apel, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2019) . Emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in surface water and sediment of the North and Baltic Seas. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 686, , , , 360-369. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Apel, C.,Bento, C.,Ferreira, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2019) . Organic UV filters in the Mondego River, Portugal. SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Helsinki (FIN), 26.-30.05.2019, , .
- Mi, L.,Xie, Z.,Zhao, Z.,Zhong, M.,Mi, W.,Ebinghaus, R.,Tang, J. (2019) . Occurrence and spatial distribution of phthalate esters in sediments of the Bohai and Yellow seas. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 653, , , , 792-800. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Apel, C.,Bento, C.,Ferreira, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2019) . Organic UV filters in the Mondego River, Portugal. 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society, Vol. , Barcelona (E), 04.-07.02.2019, , .
- Cui, M.,Li, C.,Chen, Y.,Zhang, F.,Li, J.,Jiang, B.,Mo, Y.,Yan, C.,Zheng, M.,Xie, Z.,Zhang, G.,Zheng, J. (2019) . Molecular characterization of polar organic aerosol constituents in off-road engine emissions using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS): implications for source apportionment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 19, , , 22, 13945-13956. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Custodio, D.,Alves, C.,Jomolca, Y.,de Castro Vasconcellos, P. (2019) . Carbonaceous components and major ions in PM10 from the Amazonian Basin. Atmospheric Research, Vol. 215, , , , 75-84. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Apel, C.,Tang, J.,Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018) . Organic UV stabilizers in the coastal and marine environment of Europe and China. 38th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DioXin 2018, Vol. , Krakau (PL), 26.-31.08.2018, , .
- Zhong, M.,Wu, H.,Mi, W.,Li, F.,Ji, C.,Ebinghaus, R.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z. (2018) . Occurrences and distribution characteristics of organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers in the sediments of the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 615, , , , 1305-1311. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Apel, C.,Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018) . Environmental occurrence and hazard of organic UV stabilizers and UV filters in the sediment of European North and Baltic Seas. Chemosphere, Vol. 212, , , , 254-261. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Apel, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018) . Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers and UV filters in the sediment of Chinese Bohai and Yellow Seas. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 235, , , , 85-94. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018) . Occurrence and distribution of legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and fluorinated alternatives in coastal waters of the German North and Baltic Seas. SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Rom (I), 13.-17.05.2018, , .
- Apel, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018) . Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in the sediment of the North and Baltic Seas. SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Rom (I), 13.-17.05.2018, , .
- Apel, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018) . Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in the sediment of the Bohai and Yellow Seas. SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Rom (I), 13.-17.05.2018, , .
- Jiskra, M.,Sonke, J.E.,Obrist, D.,Bieser, J.,Ebinghaus, R.,Myhre, C.L.,Pfaffhuber, K.A.,Waengberg, I.,Kylloenen, K.,Worthy, D.,Martin, L.G.,Labuschagne, C.,Mkololo, T.,Ramonet, M.,Magand, O.,Dommergue, A. (2018) . A vegetation control on seasonal variations in global atmospheric mercury concentrations. Nature Geoscience, Vol. 11, , , , 244-250. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhang, H.,Zhou, Q.,Xie, Z.,Zhou, Y.,Tu, C.,Fu, C.,Mi, W.,Ebinghaus, R.,Christie, P.,Luo, Y. (2018) . Occurrences of organophosphorus esters and phthalates in the microplastics from the coastal beaches in north China. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 616-617, , , , 1505-1512. DOI: .
- Li, J.,Tang, J.,Mi, W.,Tian, C.,Emeis, K.,Ebinghaus, R.,Xie, Z. (2018) . Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Organophosphate Esters in Air above the Bohai and Yellow Seas; China. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 52, , , 1, 89-97. DOI: .
- Slemr, F.,Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Bieser, J.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Rauthe-Schöch, A.,Hermann, M.,Martinsson, B.,van Velthoven, P.,Bönisch, H.,Neumaier, M.,Zahn, A.,Ziereis, H. (2018) . Mercury distribution in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere according to measurements by the IAGOS-CARIBIC observatory: 2014–2016. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 18, , , 16, 12329-12343. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Wolschke, H.,Sühring, R.,Massai, R.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018) . Regional variations of organophosphorus flame retardants - Fingerprint of large river basin estuaries/deltas in Europe compared with China. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 236, , , , 391-395. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Massei, R.,Busch, W.,Wolschke, H.,Schinkel, L.,Bitsch, M.,Schulze, T.,Krauss, M.,Brack, W. (2018) . Screening of Pesticide and Biocide Patterns As Risk Drivers in Sediments of Major European River Mouths: Ubiquitous or River Basin-Specific Contamination?. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 52, , , 4, 2251-2260. DOI: .
- Zhen, X.,Tang, J.,Liu, L.,Wang, X.,Li, Y.,Xie, Z. (2018) . From headwaters to estuary: Distribution and fate of halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) in a river basin near the largest HFR manufacturing base in China. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 621, , , , 1370-1377. DOI: .
- Fromme, H.,Mi, W.,Lahrz, T.,Kraft, M.,Aschenbrenner, B.,Bruessow, B.,Ebinghaus, R.,Xie, Z.,Fembacher, L. (2018) . Occurrence of carbazoles in dust and air samples from different locations in Germany. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 610 - 611, , , , 412-418. DOI: .
- Apel, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2017) . Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in sediments of the Bohai and Yellow Seas. 16th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, ICCE 2017, Vol. , Oslo (N), 18.-22.06.2017, , .
- Li, Y.,Cheng, Y.,Xie, Z.,Zeng, F. (2017) . Perfluorinated alkyl substances in serum of the southern Chinese general population and potential impact on thyroid hormones. Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, , , , 43380. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ma, Y.,Xie, Z.,Lohmann, R.,Mi, W.,Gao, G. (2017) . Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardants and Plasticizers in Ocean Sediments from the North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 51, , , 7, 3809-3815. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Fengler, J.,Apel, C.,Gandrass, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2017) . Development of a LC-MS/MS method to determine synthetic antioxidants from plastic products in the marine environment. 16th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, ICCE 2017, Vol. , Oslo (N), 18.-22.06.2017, , .
- Zhao, Z.,Tang, J.,Mi, L.,Tian, C.,Zhong, G.,Zhang, G.,Wang, S.,Li, Q.,Ebinghaus, R.,Xie, Z.,Sun, H. (2017) . Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the lower atmosphere and surface waters of the Chinese Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and Yangtze River estuary. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 599-600, , , , 114-123. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Freese, M.,Suehring, R.,Marohn, L.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Byer, J.D.,Alaee, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Hanel, R. (2017) . Maternal transfer of dioxin-like compounds in artificially matured European eels. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 227, , , , 348-356. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Travnikov, O.,Angot, H.,Artaxo, P.,Bencardino, M.,Bieser, J.,D`Àmore, F.,Dastoor, A.,De Simone, F.,del Carmen Dieguez, M.,Dommergue, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Feng, X.B.,Gencarelli, C.N.,Hedgecock, I.M.,Magand, O.,Martin, L.,Matthias, V.,Mashyanov, N.,Pirrone, N.,Ramachandran, R.,Read, K.A.,Ryjkov, A.,Selin, N.E.,Sena, F.,Song, S.,Sprovieri, F.,Wip, D.,Waengberg, I.,Yang, X. (2017) . Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: Atmospheric processes and model evaluation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 17, , , 8, 5271-5295. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Apel, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2017) . Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in sediments of Laizhou Bay and Bohai Sea. 37th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2017, Vol. , Vancouver (CDN), 20.-25.08.2017, , .
- Ma, Y.,Halsall, C.J.,Xie, Z.,Koetke, D.,Mi, W.,Ebinghaus, R.,Gao, G. (2017) . Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ocean sediments from the North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 227, , , , 498-504. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Bieser, J.,Slemr, F.,Ambrose, J.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Brooks, S.,Dastoor, A.,De Simone, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Gencarelli, C.,Geyer, B.,Gratz, L.E.,Hedgecock, I.M.,Jaffe, D.,Kelley, P.,Lin, C.-J.,Matthias, V.,Ryjkov, A.,Selin, N.,Song, S.,Travnikov, O.,Weigelt, A.,Luke, W.,Ren, X.,Zahn, A.,Yang, X.,Zhu, Y.,Pirrone, N. (2017) . Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: Vertical distribution of mercury species. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 17, , , 11, 6925-6955. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Apel, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2017) . Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in sediments of the Bohai and Yellow Seas. 37th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2017, Vol. , Vancouver (CDN), 20.-25.08.2017, , .
- Yao, Y.,Chang, S.,Zhao, Y.,Tang, J.,Sun, H.,Xie, Z. (2017) . Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the urban, industrial, and background atmosphere of Northeastern China coast around the Bohai Sea: Occurrence, partitioning, and seasonal variation. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 167, , , , 150-158. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Martin, L.,Labuschagne, C.,Brunke, E.,Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Slemr, F. (2017) . Trend of atmospheric mercury concentrations at Cape Point for 1995–2004 and since 2007. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 17, , , 3, 2393-2399. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Li, J.,Tang, J.,Mi, W.,Tian, C.,Emeis, K.,Ebinghaus, R.,Xie, Z. (2017) . Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Organophosphate Esters in Air above the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 52, , , 1, 89-97. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Sprovieri, F.,Pirrone, N.,Bencardino, M.,D'Amore, F.,Angot, H.,Barbante, C.,Brunke, E.-G.,Arcega-Cabrera, F.,Cairns, W.,Comero, S.,Del Carmen Diéguez, M.,Dommergue, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Bin Feng, X.,Fu, X.,Elizabeth Garcia, P.,Manfred Gawlik, B.,Hageström, U.,Hansson, K.,Horvat, M.,Kotnik, J.,Labuschagne, C.,Magand, O.,Martin, L.,Mashyanov, N.,Mkololo, T.,Munthe, J.,Obolkin, V.,Ramirez Islas, M.,Sena, F.,Somerset, V.,Spandow, P.,Vardè, M.,Walters, C.,Wängberg, I.,Weigelt, A.,Yang, X.,Zhang, H. (2017) . Five-year records of mercury wet deposition flux at GMOS sites in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 17, , , 4, 2689-2708. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Li, J.,Xie, Z.,Mi, W.,Lai, S.,Tian, C.,Emeis, K.,Ebinghaus, R. (2017) . Organophosphate Esters in Air, Snow, and Seawater in the North Atlantic and the Arctic. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 51, , , 12, 6887-6896. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Song, T.,Wang, S.,Zhang, Y.,Song, J.,Liu, F.,Fu, P.,Shiraiwa, M.,Xie, Z.,Yue, D.,Zhong, L.,Zheng, J.,Lai, S. (2017) . Proteins and Amino Acids in Fine Particulate Matter in Rural Guangzhou, Southern China: Seasonal Cycles, Sources, and Atmospheric Processes. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 51, , , 12, 6773-6781. DOI: .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury. ERCA 2016, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Vol. , Grenoble (F), 06.01.-04.02.2016, , .
- Freese, M.,Suehring, R.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Magath, V.,Ebinghaus, R.,Hanel, R. (2016) . A question of origin: dioxin-like PCBs and their relevance in stock management of European eels. Ecotoxicology, Vol. 25, , , 1, 41-55. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Chen, W.-L.,Xie, Z.,Wolschke, H.,Gandrass, J.,Koetke, D.,Winkelmann, M.,Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Quantitative determination of ultra-trace carbazoles in sediments in the coastal environment. Chemosphere, Vol. 150, , , , 586-595. DOI: .
- Suehring, R.,Wolschke, H.,Diamond, M.L.,Jantunen, L.M.,Scheringer, M. (2016) . Distribution of organophosphate esters between the gas and particle phase – model predictions vs. measured data. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 50, , , 13, 6644-6651. DOI: .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Emissions, regional and global distribution of „classical“ and „new“ POPs. ERCA 2016, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Vol. , Grenoble (F), 06.01.-04.02.2016, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Regulated flame retardants and polyfluorinated compounds vs. their non-regulated replacement substances – Good or only less bad for the environment?. 39th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Special Workshop on Environmental Observation Network and Analytical Quality Control, Vol. , Goiania (BR), 29.05.-02.06.2016, , .
- Suehring, R.,Busch, F.,Fricke, N.,Koetke, D.,Wolschke, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Distribution of brominated flame retardants and dechloranes between sediments and benthic fish — A comparison of a freshwater and marine habitat. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 542, , , , 578-585. DOI: .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . QA/QC in research networks – The Global Mercury Observation System as an example. 39th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Special Workshop on Environmental Observation Network and Analytical Quality Control, Vol. , Goiania (BR), 29.05.-02.06.2016, , .
- Brunke, E.-G.,Walters, C.,Mkololo, T.,Martin, L.,Labuschagne, C.,Silwana, B.,Slemr, F.,Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Somerset, V. (2016) . Mercury in the atmosphere and in rainwater at Cape Point, South Africa. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 125, , , , 24-32. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Slemr, F.,Brenninkmeijer, C.A.,Rauthe-Schoech, A.,Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Brunke, E.-G.,Martin, L.,Spain, T.G.,O´Doherty, S. (2016) . El Nino–Southern Oscillation influence on tropospheric mercury concentrations. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 43, , , 4, 1766-1771. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Pirrone, N.,Bieser, J.,Boedewadt, J.,Esposito, G.,Slemr, F.,Velthoven, P.F.J.van,Zahn, A.,Ziereis, H. (2016) . Tropospheric mercury vertical profiles between 500 and 10 000 m in central Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 16, , , 6, 4135-4146. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Lai, S.,Song, J.,Song, T.,Huang, Z.,Zhang, Y.,Zhao, Y.,Liu, G.,Zheng, J.,Mi, W.,Tang, J.,Zou, S.,Ebinghaus, R.,Xie, Z. (2016) . Neutral polyfluoroalkyl substances in the atmosphere over the northern South China Sea. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 214, , , , 449-455. DOI: .
- Zhen, X.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Wang, R.,Huang, G.,Zheng, Q.,Zhang, K.,Sun, Y.,Tian, C.,Pan, X.,Li, J.,Zhang, G. (2016) . Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and alternative brominated flame retardants (aBFRs) in sediments from four bays of the Yellow Sea, North China. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 213, , , , 386-394. DOI: .
- Wolschke, H.,Suehring, R.,Mi, W.,Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Atmospheric occurrence and fate of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizer at the German coast. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 137, , , , 1-5. DOI: .
- Chen, Y.,Lin, T.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Tian, C.,Li, J.,Zhang, G. (2016) . Exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons across the air-water interface in the Bohai and Yellow Seas. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 141, , , , 153-160. DOI: .
- Slemr, F.,Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Boedewadt, J.,Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M.,Rauthe-Schoech, A.,Weber, S.,Hermann, M.,Zahn, A.,Martinsson, B. (2016) . Atmospheric mercury measurements onboard the CARIBIC passenger aircraft. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Vol. 9, , , 5, 2291-2302. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Heydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Emissions of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in a Textile Manufacturing Plant in China and Their Relevance for Workers’ Exposure. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 50, , , 19, 10386-10396. DOI: .
- Heydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Emission of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from a textile manufacturing plant in China. 36th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2016, Vol. , Florenz (I), 29.08.-02.09.2016, , .
- Suehring, R.,Ortiz, X.,Pena-Abaurrea, M.,Jobst, K.J.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Marohn, L.,Ebinghaus, R.,Backus, S.,Hanel, R.,Reiner, E.J. (2016) . Evidence for High Concentrations and Maternal Transfer of Substituted Diphenylamines in European Eels Analyzed by Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography–Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and Gas Chromatography–Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 50, , , 23, 12678-12685. DOI: .
- Sprovieri, F.,Pirrone, N.,Bencardino, M.,D'Amore, F.,Carbone, F.,Cinnirella, S.,Mannarino, V.,Landis, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Weigelt, A.,Brunke, E.-G.,Labuschagne, C.,Martin, L.,Munthe, J.,Waengberg, I.,Artaxo, P.,Morais, F.,Barbosa, H. D. M. J.,Brito, J.,Cairns, W.,Barbante, C.,Diéguez, M. D. C.,Garcia, P. E.,Dommergue, A.,Angot, H.,Magand, O.,Skov, H.,Horvat, M.,Kotnik, J.,Read, K. A.,Neves, L. M.,Gawlik, B. M.,Sena, F.,Mashyanov, N.,Obolkin, V.,Wip, D.,Feng, X. B.,Zhang, H.,Fu, X.,Ramachandran, R.,Cossa, D.,Knoery, J.,Marusczak, N.,Nerentorp, M.,Norstrom, C. (2016) . Atmospheric mercury concentrations observed at ground-based monitoring sites globally distributed in the framework of the GMOS network. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 16, , , 18, 11915-11935. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Weigelt, A.,Slemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Pirrone, N.,Bieser, J.,Boedewadt, J.,Esposito, G.,Velthoven, P.F.J.van (2016) . Mercury emissions of a coal fired power plant in Germany. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 16, , , 21, 13653-13668. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Huang, W.,Xie, Z.,Yan, W.,Mi, W.,Xu, W. (2016) . Occurrence and distribution of synthetic musks and organic UV filters from riverine and coastal sediments in the Pearl River estuary of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 111, , , 1-2, 153-159. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Kirchgeorg, T.,Dreyer, A.,Gabrielli, P.,Gabrieli, J.,Thompson, L.G.,Barbante, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Seasonal accumulation of persistent organic pollutants on a high altitude glacier in the Eastern Alps. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 218, , , , 804-812. DOI: .
- Hermann, M.,Weigelt, A.,Assmann, D.,Pfeifer, S.,Mueller, T.,Conrath, T.,Voigtlaender, J.,Heintzenberg, J.,Wiedensohler, A.,Martinsson, B.G.,Deshler, T.,Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M.,Zahn, A. (2016) . An optical particle size spectrometer for aircraft-borne measurements in IAGOS-CARIBIC. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Vol. 9, , , 5, 2179-2194. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Apel, C.,Wolschke, H.,Massei, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Vorkommen und Verteilung organischer UV-Stabilisatoren und UV-Filter in Sedimenten europaeischer Flussmuendungen. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie, Vol. 22, , , 3, 63-66.
- Heydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2016) . Emission of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from a textile manufacturing plant in China. 5th International Symposium on Organofluorine Compounds in Biomedical, Materials and Agriculture Sciences, FluorineDays 2016, Vol. , Bremen (D), 03.-07.07.2016, , .
- Zhong, G.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Mi, W.,Chen, Y.,Moeller, A.,Sturm, R.,Zhang, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Selected current-use pesticides (CUPs) in coastal and offshore sediments of Bohai and Yellow seas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 22, , , 3, 1653-1661. DOI: .
- Sturm, R.,Gutow, L.,Winkelmann, M.,Gandrass, J.,Wolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Krone, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Are geotextile scour protections of offshore wind turbines a source of environmental contaminants?. Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, CWW 2015, Vol. , Berlin (D), 10.-12.03.2015, , .
- Wolschke, H.,Meng, X.-Z.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R.,Cai, M. (2015) . Novel flame retardants (N-FRs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) in fish, penguin, and skua from King George Island, Antarctica. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 96, , , 1-2, 513-518. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Wang, R.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Mi, W.,Chen, Y.,Wolschke, H.,Tian, C.,Pan, X.,Luo, Y.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Occurrence and spatial distribution of organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers in 40 rivers draining into the Bohai Sea, north China. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 198, , , , 172-178. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Wang, Z.,Xie, Z.,Moeller, A.,Mi, W.,Wolschke, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Estimating dry deposition and gas/particle partition coefficients of neutral poly-/perfluoroalkyl substances in northern German coast. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 202, , , , 120-125. DOI: .
- Slemr, F.,Angot, H.,Dommergue, A.,Magand, O.,Barret, M.,Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Brunke, E.-G.,Pfaffhuber, K.,Edwards, G.,Howard, D.,Powell, J.,Keywood, M.,Wang, F. (2015) . Comparison of mercury concentrations measured at several sites in the Southern Hemisphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 15, , , 6, 3125-3133. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Lai, S.,Xie, Z.,Song, T.,Tang, J.,Zhang, Y.,Mi, W.,Peng, J.,Zhao, Y.,Zou, S.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Occurrence and dry deposition of organophosphate esters in atmospheric particles over the northern South China Sea. Chemosphere, Vol. 127, , , , 195-200. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Xie, Z.,Wang, Z.,Mi, W.,Moeller, A.,Wolschke, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Neutral Poly-/perfluoroalkyl Substances in Air and Snow from the Arctic. Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, , , , 8912. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhao, Z.,Xie, Z.,Tang, J.,Sturm, R.,Chen, Y.,Zhang, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Seasonal variations and spatial distributions of perfluoroalkyl substances in the rivers Elbe and lower Weser and the North Sea. Chemosphere, Vol. 129, , , , 118-125. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ma, Y.,Xie, Z.,Halsall, C.,Moeller, A.,Yang, H.,Zhong, G.,Cai, M.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . The spatial distribution of organochlorine pesticides and halogenated flame retardants in the surface sediments of an Arctic fjord: The influence of ocean currents vs. glacial runoff. Chemosphere, Vol. 119, , , , 953-960. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Manning, A.J.,Derwent, R.G.,Simmonds, P.G.,Spain, T.G.,Jennings, S.G.,Slemr, F. (2015) . Analysis and interpretation of 18 years of mercury observations since 1996 at Mace Head, Ireland. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 100, , , , 85-93. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Lu, Z.,Song, L.,Zhao, Z.,Ma, Y.,Wang, J.,Yang, H.,Ma, H.,Cai, M.,Codling, G.,Ebinghaus, R.,Xie, Z.,Giesy, J.P. (2015) . Occurrence and trends in concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in surface waters of eastern China. Chemosphere, Vol. 119, , , , 820-827. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Apel, C.,Wolschke, H.,Massei, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Occurrence and distribution of organic UV-stabilizers in sediments of rivers distributed over Europe. 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, ICCE 2015, Vol. , Leipzig (D), 20.-24.09.2015, , .
- Heydebreck, F.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Development of a method for the simultaneous determination of Polyfluorinated Phosphate Esters (PAPs) and other Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in sediments. International Symposium on Fluorinated Organics in the Environment, Fluoros 2015, Vol. , Golden, CO (USA), 12.-14.07.2015, , .
- Heydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . PFOA vs. its replacement substance HFPO-DA: Their current environmental releases and fates in the rivers and coastal environment of Germany and China. International Symposium on Fluorinated Organics in the Environment, Fluoros 2015, Vol. , Golden, CO (USA), 12.-14.07.2015, , .
- Song, S.,Selin, N. E.,Soerensen, A. L.,Angot, H.,Artz, R.,Brooks, S.,Brunke, E.-G.,Conley, G.,Dommergue, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Holsen, T. M.,Jaffe, D. A.,Kang, S.,Kelley, P.,Luke, W. T.,Magand, O.,Marumoto, K.,Pfaffhuber, K. A.,Ren, X.,Sheu, G.-R.,Slemr, F.,Warneke, T.,Weigelt, A.,Weiss-Penzias, P.,Wip, D. C.,Zhang, Q. (2015) . Top-down constraints on atmospheric mercury emissions and implications for global biogeochemical cycling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 15, , , 12, 7103-7125. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Chen, W.-L.,Xie, Z.,Wolschke, H.,Gandrass, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Determination of Carbazoles in Sediment from Environmental Water Bodies Using GC-MS/MS with Isotope Dilution Techniques. 2nd International Conference on Emerging Contaminants, EMCON Forum2015, Vol. , Kaohsiung (RC), 04.-07.10.2015, , .
- Heydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Alternative and Legacy Perfluoroalkyl Substances: Differences between European and Chinese River/Estuary Systems. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 49, , , 14, 8386-8395. DOI: .
- Zhao, Z.,Xie, Z.,Tang, J.,Zhang, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Spatial distribution of perfluoroalkyl acids in surface sediments of the German Bight, North Sea. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 511, , , , 145-152. DOI: .
- Suehring, R.,Freese, M.,Schneider, M.,Schubert, S.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Alaee, M.,Wolschke, H.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Marohn, L. (2015) . Maternal transfer of emerging brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in European eels. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 530-531, , , , 209-218. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Suehring, R.,Barber, J.L.,Wolschke, H.,Koetke, D.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Fingerprint analysis of brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in North Sea sediments. Environmental Research, Vol. 140, , , , 569-578. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Emeis, K.,van Beusekom, J.,Callies, U.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kannen, A.,Kraus, G.,Kröncke, I.,Lenhatz, H.,Lorkoswski, I.,Matthias, V.,Möllmann, H.,Pätsch, J.,Scharfe, M.,Thomas, H.,Weisse, R.,Zorita, E. (2015) . The North Sea - A shelf sea in the Anthropocene. Journal of Marine Systems, Vol. 141, , , , 18-33. DOI: .
- Heydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Vorkommen und Verbreitung von perfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in eeuropaeischen und chinesischen Fluss-Aestuar Systemen. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie, Vol. 21, , , 4, 103-106.
- Wang, Z.,Xie, Z.,Mi, W.,Moeller, A.,Wolschke, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Neutral Poly/Per-Fluoroalkyl Substances in Air from the Atlantic to the Southern Ocean and in Antarctic Snow. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 49, , , 13, 7770-7775. DOI: .
- Ebinghaus, R.,Heydebreck, F.,Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Tang, J. (2015) . Regulated flame retardants and polyfluorinated compounds vs. their non-regulated replacement substances – good or only less bad for the marine environment?. 8th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, 8th NCEC, Vol. , Guangzhou (VRC), 05.-08.11.2015, , .
- Wolschke, H.,Suehring, R.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in the aquatic environment: A case study of the Elbe River, Germany. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 206, , , , 488-493. DOI: .
- Chen, W.-L.,Xie, Z.,Wolschke, H.,Gandrass, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Accelerated solvent extraction combined with in-line cleanup and GC-MS/MS with isotope dilution techniques to determine trace-level carbazoles in sediment. 35th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2015, Vol. , Sao Paulo (BR), 23.-28.08.2015, , .
- Heydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . PFOA vs. its replacement substance HFPO-DA: Their current environmental releases and fates in coastal rivers of Germany and China. 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, ICCE 2015, Vol. , Leipzig (D), 20.-24.09.2015, , .
- Heydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015) . Vorkommen und Verbreitung von perfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFASs) in europaeischen und chinesischen Fluss-Aestuar Systemen. 2. Forum Junger Umweltwissenschaftler, Vol. , Burg Blomberg (D), 22.-24.06.2015, , .
- Bieser, J.,De Simone, F.,Gencarelli, C.,Geyer, B.,Hedgecock, I.,Matthias, V.,Travnikov, O.,Weigelt, A. (2014) . A diagnostic evaluation of modeled mercury wet depositions in Europe using atmospheric speciated high-resolution observations. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 21, , , 16, 9995-10012. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Pirrone, N.,Boedewadt, J.,Ammoscato, I.,Esposito, G.,Spoveri, F.,Mannarino, V.,Montagnoli, M.,Slemr, F. (2014) . Airborne mercury measurements in the plume of the Mt. Etna volcano (Italy) in July/August 2012. 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2014, Vol. , Guiyang (VRC), 22.-26.09.2014, , .
- Slemr, F.,Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Manning, A.,Derwent, D.,Simmonds, P.,Spain, G.,Jennings, G. (2014) . Analysis and interpretation of 18 years of mercury observations since 1996 at Mace Head on the Atlantic Ocean coast of Ireland. 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2014, Vol. , Guiyang (VRC), 22.-26.09.2014, , .
- Ebinghaus, R.,Temme, C.,Xie, Z. (2014) . Ausbreitung von Schadstoffen in den Polarregionen. Warnsignal Klima: Die Polarregionen : Wissenschaftliche Fakten, Vol. 14, , , , 310-318.
- Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Pirrone, N.,Boedewadt, J.,Ammoscato, I.,Esposito, G.,Bieser, J.,Slemr, F. (2014) . Mercury vertical profiles, measured in August 2013 over different locations in central Europe. 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2014, Vol. , Guiyang (VRC), 22.-26.09.2014, , .
- Wang, Z.,Xie, Z.,Moeller, A.,Mi, W.,Wolschke, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014) . Atmospheric concentrations and gas/particle partitioning of neutral poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in northern German coast. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 95, , , , 207-213. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Trautwein, C.,Berset, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Kuemmerer, K. (2014) . Occurrence of the antidiabetic drug Metformin and its ultimate transformation product Guanylurea in several compartments of the aquatic cycle. Environment International, Vol. 70, , , , 203-212. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Pirrone, N.,Boedewadt, J.,Ammoscato, I.,Esposito, G.,Bieser, J.,Slemr, F. (2014) . Airborne measurements of mercury emissions from a modern coal fired power plant in central Europe. 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2014, Vol. , Guiyang (VRC), 22.-26.09.2014, , .
- Schulze, S.,Palm, W.,Ebinghaus, R.,Scheringer, M.,Floeser, G. (2014) . Ecosystem responses to chemical pollution.
- Martinsson, B.G.,Friberg, J.,Andersson, S.M.,Weigelt, A.,Hermann, M.,Assmann, D.,Voigtlaender, J.,Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M.,Velthoven, P.J.F.van,Zahn, A. (2014) . Comparison between CARIBIC Aerosol Samples Analysed by Accelerator-Based Methods and Optical Particle Counter Measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Vol. 7, , , 8, 2581-2596. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Slemr, F.,Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Baker, A.,Schuck, T.,Rauthe-Schöch, A.,Riede, H.,Leedham, E.,Hermann, M.,Velthoven, P.van,Oram, D.,O`Sullivan, D.,Dyroff, C.,Zahn, A.,Ziereis, H. (2014) . Mercury Plumes in the Global Upper Troposphere Observed during Flights with the CARIBIC Observatory from May 2005 until June 2013. Atmosphere, Vol. 5, , , 2, 342-369. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Suehring, R.,Wolschke, H.,Koetke, D.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014) . Distribution and input of brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in the German Bight. 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Vol. , Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014, , .
- Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Bieser, J.,Schwerin, A.,Schuetze, M.,Bieber, E.,Hawkins, L. (2014) . Long term speciated atmospheric mercury measurements at a Central European rural background site. Seminar at Yantai University, Vol. , Yantai (VRC), 27.10.2014, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2014) . Regional and global distribution of mercury and halogenated flame retardants in the atmospheric and marine environment. Seminar at University of Western Cape, Vol. , Cape Town (ZA), 13.11.2014, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2014) . Regional and global distribution of mercury and halogenated flame retardants in the atmospheric and marine environment. Seminar at Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol. , Stellenbosch (ZA), 14.11.2014, , .
- Kuemmerer, K.,Ebinghaus, R.,Scheringer, M.,Matthias, V. (2014) . Aktuelle Fragen der Umweltchemie und Nachhaltigen Chemie.
- Suehring, R.,Wolschke, H.,Koetke, D.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014) . Distribution and input of brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in the German Bight. Organohalogen compounds, 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Vol. 76, Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014, , 214-217.
- Suehring, R.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Alaee, M.,Wolschke, H.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Marohn, L. (2014) . Maternal transfer of emerging brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in European eels. Organohalogen compounds, 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Vol. 76, Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014, , 250-253.
- Wolschke, H.,Suehring, R.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014) . Occurrence of organophosphorous flame retardants and plasticizer in the River Elbe during the summer flood event 2013 – A case study at the barrage Geesthacht. 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Vol. , Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014, , .
- Suehring, R.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Alaee, M.,Wolschke, H.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Marohn, L. (2014) . Maternal transfer of emerging brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in European eels. 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Vol. , Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014, , .
- Wolschke, H.,Mi, W.,Moeller, A.,Suehring, R.,Xie, Z.,Wang, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014) . Atmospheric concentrations of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizer in the German coast: case study at Buesum. 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Vol. , Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014, , .
- Zhong, G.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Moeller, A.,Zhao, Z.,Sturm, R.,Chen, Y.,Tian, C.,Pan, X.,Qin, W.,Zhang, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014) . Selected current‐use and historic‐use pesticides in air and seawater of the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China. Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, Vol. 119, , , 2, 1073-1086. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Wang, X.,Halsall, C.,Codling, G.,Xie, Z.,Xu, B.,Zhao, Z.,Xue, Y.,Ebinghaus, R.,Jones, K.C. (2014) . Accumulation of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds in Tibetan Mountain Snow: Temporal Patterns from 1980 to 2010. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 48, , , 1, 173-181. DOI: .
- Steffen, A.,Bottenheim, J.,Cole, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Lawson, G.,Leaitch, W.R. (2014) . Atmospheric mercury speciation and mercury in snow over time at Alert, Canada. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 14, , , 5, 2219-2231. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Suehring, R.,Byer, J.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Moeller, A.,Hodson, P.V.,Alaee, M.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014) . Brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in European and American eels from glass to silver life stages. Chemosphere, Vol. 116, , , , 104-111. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Wolschke, H.,Heydebreck, F.,Xie, Z.,Suehring, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Occurrence and distribution of organic UV-stabilizers in sediments of the German Bight. SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, Vol. , Glasgow (GB), 12.-16.05.2013, , .
- Xie, Z.,Zhao, Z.,Moeller, A.,Wolschke, H.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Neutral poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in air and seawater of the North Sea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 20, , , 11, 7988-8000. DOI: .
- Slemr, F.,Brunke, E.-G.,Whittlestone, S.,Zahorowski, W.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Labuschagne, C. (2013) . 222Rn-calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surface of southern Africa. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 13, , , 13, 6421-6428. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Weigelt, A.,Temme, C.,Bieber, E.,Schwerin, A.,Schuetze, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.-H. (2013) . Measurements of atmospheric mercury species at a German rural background site from 2009 to 2011 - methods and results. Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 10, , , 2, 102-110. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Readman, J.,de Luna, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Guzman, A.N.,Price, A.,Readman, E.,Shepard, A.,Sleight, V.,Sturm, R.,Thompson, R.,Tonkin, A.,Wolschke, H.,Wright, R. (2013) . Contaminants, Pollution and Potential Anthropogenic Impacts in Chagos/BIOT. Coral Reefs of the United Kingdom Overseas Territories, Coral Reefs of the World, Vol. 4, , , , 283-298. DOI: .
- Heydebreck, F.,Wolschke, H.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Development and validation of a method for the determination of plastic additives in sediments. SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, Vol. , Glasgow (GB), 12.-16.05.2013, , .
- Wolschke, H.,Heydebreck, F.,Xie, Z.,Suehring, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Occurrence and distribution of organic UV-stabilizers in sediments of the German Bight. 7th Network Conference on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Vol. , Birmingham (GB), 24.-25.04.2013, , .
- Slemr, F.,Brunke, E.-G.,Wittlestobe, S.,Zahorowski, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Labuschagne, C. (2013) . 222Rn calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surfaces of southern Africa derived from observations at Cape Point, South Africa. E3S Web of Conferences, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. 1, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , 17005. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Suehring, R.,Moeller, A.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Sturm, R.,Xie, Z.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Brominated flame retardants and dechloranes in eels from German Rivers. Chemosphere, Vol. 90, , , 1, 118-124. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ma, Y.,Xie, Z.,Yang, H.,Möller, A.,Halsall, C.,Cai, M.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the North Pacific and the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, Vol. 118, , , 11, 5822-5829. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhao, Z.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Chen, Y.,Pan, X.,Zhong, g.,Sturm, R.,Zhang, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in riverine and coastal sediments of Laizhou Bay, North China. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 447, , , , 415-423. DOI: .
- Zhang, Y.,Lai, S.,Zhao, Z.,Liu, F.,Chen, H.,Zou, S.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Spatial distribution of perfluoroalkyl acids in the Pearl River of Southern China. Chemosphere, Vol. 93, , , 8, 1519-1525. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Suehring, R.,Quade, S.,Wolschke, H.,Heydebreck, F.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Novel brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in sediments from the German Bight. SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, Vol. , Glasgow (GB), 12.-16.05.2013, , .
- Slemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Weigelt, A.,Kock, H.H.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Schuck, T.,Herrmann, M.,Zahn, A.,Velthoven, P.van,Martinsson, B.,Ziereis, H. (2013) . CARIBIC observations of gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. E3S Web of Conferences, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. 1, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , 17001. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R.,Jennings, S.G.,Kock, H.H.,Derwent, R.G.,Manning, A.J.,Spain, T.G.,Weigelt, A. (2013) . Decreasing trends in total gaseous mercury observations in baseline air at Mace Head, Ireland from 1996 to 2011. E3S Web of Conferences : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Vol. 1, , , , 07009. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Steffen, A.,Bottenheim, J.,Cole, A.,Douglas, T.A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Friess, U.,Netcheva, S.,Nghiem, S.,Sihler, H.,Staebler, R. (2013) . Atmospheric mercury over sea ice during the OASIS-2009 campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 13, , , 14, 7007-7021. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Soerensen, A.,Jacob, D.,Streets, D.,Witt, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Mason, R.,Andersson, M.,Sunderland, E. (2013) . Hg0 trends in the North and South Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer. E3S Web of Conferences, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. 1, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , 7002. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Vierke, L.,Ahrens, L.,Shoeib, M.,Palm, W.-U.,Webster, E.M.,Ellis, D.A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Harner, T. (2013) . Response to comment on "In situ airwater and particlewater partitioning of perfluorocarboxylic acids, perfluorosulfonic acids and perfluorooctyl sulfonamide at a wastewater treatment plant". Chemosphere, Vol. 93, , , 9, 2207. DOI: .
- Bieber, E.,Cinnirella, S.,Dastoor, A.,Derwent, D.,Ebinghaus, R.,Feng, X.,Gratz, L.,Hedgecock, I.,Jaffe, D.,Jennings, G.,Kock, H.-H.,Manning, A.,Pirrone, N.,Prestbo, E.,Schwerin, A.,Schuetze, M.,Spain, G.T.,Sprovieri, F.,Travnikov, O.,Weigelt, A. (2013) . Atmospheric Pathways, Transport and Fate. Technical Background Report for the Global Mercury Assessment 2013, Vol. , , , , 38-68. OPEN ACCESS
- Kirchgeorg, T.,Dreyer, A.,Gabrieli, J.,Kehrwald, N.,Sigl, M.,Schwikowski, M.,Boutron, C.,Gambaro, A.,Barbante, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Temporal variations of perfluoroalkyl substances and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in alpine snow. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 178, , , , 367-374. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Weigelt, A.,Bieber, E.,Temme, C.,Kock, H.H.,Schwerin, A.,Schuetze, M.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Speciated mercury measurements in ambient air from 2009 to 2011 at a Central European rural background monitoring site. E3S Web of Conferences, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. 1, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , 17004. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Pirrone, N.,Aas, W.,Cinnirella, S.,Ebinghaus, R.,Hedgecock, I.M.,Pacyna, J.,Sprovieri, F.,Sunderland, E.M. (2013) . Toward the next generation of air quality monitoring: Mercury. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 80, , , , 599-611. DOI: .
- Suehring, R.,Byer, J.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Moeller, A.,Hodson, P.V.,Alaee, M.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013) . Brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in European and American eels from glass to silver life stages. 6th International Symposium on Flame Retardants, BFR 2013, Vol. , San Francisco, CA (USA), 07.-10.04.2013, , .
- Brunke, E.-G.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Weigelt, A.,Labuschagne, C.,Slemr, F. (2013) . Trend and seasonal variation of atmospheric mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW observatory, South Africa. E3S Web of Conferences, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Vol. 1, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , 17002. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Large-scale distribution of per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds in the marine environment. Nordic Environmental Chemistry Conference, Vol. , Turku (FIN), 04.-08.06.2012, , .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Cai, M.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechlorane Plus in the Marine Atmosphere from Southeast Asia toward Antarctica. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 46, , , 6, 3141-3148. DOI: .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury. ERCA 2012, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Vol. , Grenoble (F), 09.01.-10.02.2012, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs). ERCA 2012, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Vol. , Grenoble (F), 09.01.-10.02.2012, , .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Wolschke, H.,Gandrass, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Non-PBDE halogenated and non-halogenated flame retardants: Replacements following the track of the banned PBDEs through the global oceans toward the Polar Regions. Sampling and Analysis of EmergingContaminants in the Aquatic Environment: Current and Future Challenges, Norman Workshop, Vol. , Oslo (N), 01.-02.03.2012, , .
- Moeller, A.,Sturm, R.,Xie, Z.,Cai, M.,He, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in airborne particles over the Northern Pacific and Indian Ocean toward the Polar Regions: Evidence for global occurrence. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 46, , , 6, 3127-3134. DOI: .
- Vautard, R.,Moran, M.D.,Solazzo, E.,Gilliam, R.C.,Matthias, V.,Bianconi, R.,Chemel, C.,Ferreira, J.,Geyer, B.,Hansen, A.B.,Jericevic, A.,Prank, M.,Segers, A.,Silver, J.D.,Werhahn, J.,Wolke, R.,Rao, S.T.,Galmarini, S. (2012) . Evaluation of the meteorological forcing used for the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII) air quality simulations. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 53, , , , 15-37. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Cai, M.,Zhao, Z,Yin, Z.,Ahrens, L.,Huang, P.,Cai, Mg.,Yang, H.,He, J.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Xie, Z. (2012) . Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl compounds in surface waters from the North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 46, , , 2, 661-668. DOI: .
- Rauthe-Schoech, A.,Weigelt, A.,Hermann, M.,Martinsson, B.G.,Baker, A.K.,Heue, K.-P.,Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M.,Zahn, A.,Scharffe, D.,Eckhardt, S.,Stohl, A.,Velthoven, P.F.J.van (2012) . CARIBIC aircraft measurements of Eyjafjallajoekull volcanic clouds in April/May 2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 12, , , 2, 879-902. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Sheppard, C.R.C.,Ateweberhan, M.,Bowen, B.W.,Carr, P.,Chen, C.A.,Clubbe, C.,Craig, M.T.,Ebinghaus, R.,Eble, J.,Fitzsimmons, N.,Gaither, M.R.,Gan, C.H.,Gollock, M.,Guzman, N.,Graham, N.A.J.,Harris, A.,Jones, R.,Keshavmurthy, S.,Koldewey, H.,Lundin, C.G.,Mortimer, J.A.,Obura, D.,Pfeiffer, M.,Price, A.R.G.,Purkis, S.,Raines, P.,Readman, J.W.,Riegl, B.,Rogers, A.,Schleyer, M.,Seaward, M.R.D.,Sheppard, A.L.S.,Tamelander, J.,Turner, J.R.,Visram, S.,Vogler, C.,Vogt, S.,Wolschke, H.,Yang, J.M.-C.,Yang S.-Y.,Yesson, C. (2012) . Reefs and islands of the Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean: why it is the world’s largest no-take marine protected area. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, Vol. 22, , , 2, 232-261. DOI: .
- Wolschke, H.,Cai, M.,Moeller, A.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Brominated flame retardants and polychlorinated biphenyls in the Antarctic food web. SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, Vol. , Berlin (D), 22.-24.05.2012, , .
- Zhong, G.,Xie, Z.,Cai, M.,Moeller, A.,Sturm, R.,Tang, J.,Zhang, G.,He, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Distribution and Air–Sea Exchange of Current-Use Pesticides (CUPs) from East Asia to the High Arctic Ocean. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 46, , , 1, 259-267. DOI: .
- Cai, M.,Xie, Z.,Moeller, A.,Yin, Z.,Huang, P.,Cai, Mg.,Yang, H.,Sturm, R.,He, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Polyfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere along a cruise pathway from the Japan Sea to the Arctic Ocean. Chemosphere, Vol. 87, , , 9, 989-997. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Bollmann, U.E.,Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R.,Einax, J.W. (2012) . Occurrence and Fate of Organophosphorus Flame Retardants and Plasticizers in Coastal and Marine Surface Waters. Water Research, Vol. 46, , , 2, 531-538. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Cai, M.,Zhao, Z.,Yang, H.,Yin, Z.,Hong, Q.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ahrens, L.,He, J.,Xie, Z. (2012) . Spatial distribution of per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds in coastal waters from the East to South China Sea. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 161, , , , 162-169. DOI: .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Caba, A.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Occurrence and air-seawater exchange of brominated flame retardants and Dechlorane Plus in the North Sea. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 46, , , , 346-353. DOI: .
- Cai, M.,Ma, Y.,Xie, Z.,Zhong, G.,Moeller, A.,Yang, H.,Sturm, R.,He, J.,Ebinghaus, R.,Meng, X.-Z. (2012) . Distribution and air–sea exchange of organochlorine pesticides in the North Pacific and the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, Vol. 117, , , D 6, 06311. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Solazzo, E.,Biancini, R.,Pirovano, G.,Matthias, V.,Vautard, R.,Moran, M.D.,Appel, K.W.,Bessagnet, B.,Brandt, J.,Christensen, J.H.,Chemel, C.,Coll, I.,Ferreira, J.,Forkel, R.,Francis, X.V.,Grell, G.,Grossi, P.,Hansen, A.B.,Miranda, A.I.,Nopmongcol, U.,Prank, M.,Sartelet, K.N.,Schaap, M.,Silver, J.D.,Sokhil, R.S.,Vira, J.,Werhahn, J.,Wolke, R.,Yarwood, G.,Zhang, J.,Rao, S.T.,Galmarini, S. (2012) . Operational model evaluation for particulate matter in Europe and North America in the context of AQMEII. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 53, , , , 75-92. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Cai, M.,Yang, H.,Xie, Z.,Zhao, Z.,Wang, F.,Lu, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in snow, lake, surface runoff water and coastal seawater in Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 209-210, , , , 335-342. DOI: .
- Quade, S.,Zhao, Z.,Tang, J.,Zhong, G.,Sturm, R.,Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Zhang, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, alternate brominated flame retardents and Dechloranes in sediments from German Bight and Laizhou Bay, China. 6th World Congress, SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, SETAC 2012, Vol. , Berlin (D), 20.-24.05.2012, , .
- Suehring, R,Moeller, A.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes throughout the Life Cycle of the European Eel. SETAC-GLB Jahrestagung, Vol. , Leipzig (D), 11.-13.09.2012, , .
- Wolschke, H.,Sturm, R.,Proefrock, D.,Prange, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Persistente Schadstoffe in der marinen Umwelt: Welche Rolle hat Microplastik bei Eintrag, Transport und Verbleib. Mikroplastik! Quo Vadis? Workshop Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Vol. , Bremerhaven (D), 05.-06.09.2012, , .
- Soerensen, A.L.,Jacob, D.J.,Streets, D.G.,Witt, M.L.I.,Ebinghaus, R.,Mason, R.P.,Andersson, M.,Sunderland, E.M. (2012) . Multi-decadal decline of mercury in the North Atlantic atmosphere explained by changing subsurface seawater concentrations. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 39, , , , L 21810. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Dreyer, A.,Thuens, S.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Radke, M. (2012) . Ombrotrophic Peat Bogs Are Not Suited as Natural Archives To Investigate the Historical Atmospheric Deposition of Perfluoroalkyl Substances. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 46, , , 14, 7512-7519. DOI: .
- Suehring, R,Moeller, A.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Sturm, R.,Xie, Z.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Contamination of the European EEL (Anguilla Anguilla) with Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes Throughout its Life Cycle. Organohalogen compounds, 32nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2012, Vol. 74, Cairns (AUS), 26.-31.08.2012, , 540-543.
- Zhong, G.,Xie, Z.,Moeller, A.,Halsall, C.,Caba, A.,Sturm, R.,Tang, J.,Zhang, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Currently used pesticides, hexachlorobenzene and hexachlorocyclohexanes in the air and seawater of the German Bight (North Sea). Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 9, , , 4, 405-414. DOI: .
- Brunke, E.-G.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Labuschagne, C.,Slemr, F. (2012) . Emissions of mercury in southern Africa derived from long-term observations at Cape Point, South Africa. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 12, , , 16, 7465-7474. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Slemr, F.,Brunke, E.-G.,Wittlestobe, S.,Zahorowski, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Labuschagne, C. (2012) . 222Rn calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surfaces of southern Africa derived from observations at Cape Point, South Africa. 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. , Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , .
- Bieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2012) . Impact of Emission Reductions between 1980 and 2020 on Atmospheric Benzo[a]pyrene Concentrations over Europe. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Vol. 223, , , 3, 1393-1414. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhao, Z.,Xie, Z.,Moeller, A.,Sturm, R.,Tang, J.,Zhang, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Distribution and long-range transport of polyfluoroalkyl substances in the Arctic, Atlantic Ocean and Antarctic coast. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 170, , , , 71-77. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Suehring, R,Moeller, A.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Sturm, R.,Xie, Z.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Contamination of the European EEL (Anguilla Anguilla) with Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes Throughout its Life Cycle. 32nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2012, Vol. , Cairns (AUS), 26.-31.08.2012, , .
- Ebinghaus, R.,Jennings, S.G.,Kock, H.H.,Derwent, R.G.,Manning, A.J.,Spain, T.G.,Weigelt, A. (2012) . Decreasing trends in total gaseous mercury observations in baseline air at Mace Head, Ireland from 1996 to 2011. 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. , Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , .
- Slemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Weigelt, A.,Kock, H.H.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Schuck, T.,Herrmann, M.,Zahn, A.,Velthoven, P.van,Martinsson, B.,Ziereis, H. (2012) . CARIBIC observations of gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. , Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Cai, M.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Halogenated flame retardants in the marine atmosphere from Southeast Asia toward Antarctica. 6th World Congress, SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, SETAC 2012, Vol. , Berlin (D), 20.-24.05.2012, , .
- Brunke, E.-G.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Weigelt, A.,Labuschagne, C.,Slemr, F. (2012) . Trend and seasonal variation of atmospheric mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW observatory, South Africa. 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. , Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , .
- Zhao, Z.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Zhong, G.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Zhang, G. (2012) . Distribution Characteristics of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Riverine and Marine Sediments of Laizhou Bay, North China. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 2012, Vol. , Singapur (SGP), 13.-17.08.2012, , .
- Weigelt, A.,Bieber, E.,Temme, C.,Kock, H.H.,Schwerin, A.,Schuetze, M.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012) . Speciated mercury measurements in ambient air from 2009 to 2011 at a Central European rural background monitoring site. 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. , Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , .
- Soerensen, A.,Jacob, D.,Streets, D.,Witt, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Mason, R.,Andersson, M.,Sunderland, E. (2012) . Hg0 trends in the North and South Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer. 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. , Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012, , .
- Ebinghaus, R.,Jennings, S.G.,Kock, H.H.,Derwent, R.G.,Manning, A.J.,Spain, T.G. (2011) . Decreasing trends in total gaseous mercury observations in baseline air at Mace Head, Ireland from 1996 to 2009. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 45, , , 20, 3475-3480. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Heue, K.-P.,Breninnkmeijer, C.A.M.,Baker, A.K.,Rauthe-Schoech, A.,Walter, D.,Wagner, T.,Hoermann, C.,Sihler, H.,Dix, B.,Friess, U.,Platt, U.,Martinsson, B.G.,Velthoven, P.F.J.van,Zahn, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . SO2 and BrO observation in the plume of the Eyjafjallajoekull volcano 2010: CARIBIC and GOME-2 retrievals. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 11, , , 6, 2973-2989. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Bieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M.,Daewel, U.,Schrum, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Atmosphere Ocean Exchange of Mercury in a Coupled Regional Model for the North and Baltic Sea Area. 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, ICMGP, Vol. , Halifax (CDN), 24.-29.07.2011, , .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and alternative brominated flame retardants in air and seawater of the European Arctic. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 159, , , 6, 1577-1583. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Weinberg, I.,Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Waste water treatment plants as sources of polyfluorinated compounds, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and musk fragrances to ambient air. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 159, , , 1, 125-132. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Moeller, A.,Bollmann, U.,Wolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . New Emerging Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Rivers Rhine and Elbe. International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Vol. , Wien (A), 11.-14.04.2011, , .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Caba, A.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Brominated flame retardants and Dechlorane Plus in air and seawater from the German Bight, North Sea. SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting, Vol. , Mailand (I), 15.-19.05.2011, , .
- Ebinghaus, R.,Jennings, G.,Kock, H.H.,Derwent, R.,Manning, A.,Spain, G. (2011) . Decreasing trends in total gaseous mercury observations in baseline air at Mace Head, Ireland from 1996 to 2009. 11th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, ICOBTE 2011, Vol. , Florenz (I), 03.-07.07.2011, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Großraeumige Verteilung von neuartigen Problemstoffen in der Meeresumwelt am Beispiel der Polyfluorierten Verbindungen. ANAKON 2011, Vol. , Zuerich (CH), 22.-25.03.2011, , .
- Wolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Moeller, A.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Occurrence, distribution and fluxes of benzotriazoles along the German large river basins into the North Sea. Water Research, Vol. 45, , , 18, 6259-6266. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs). ERCA 2011, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Vol. , Grenoble (F), 10.01.-04.02.2011, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Neuartige Problemstoffe in der kuestennahen und marinen Umwelt. Kuesten 2021, Gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Umweltveraenderungen als Herausforderungen fuer die Deutsche Kuestenforschung, Vol. , Delmenhorst (D), 14.-16.11.2011, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury. ERCA 2011, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Vol. , Grenoble (F), 10.01.-04.02.2011, , .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Caba, A.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Organophosphorus Flame Retardants and Plasticizers in the Atmosphere of the North Sea. 31st International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2011, Vol. , Bruessel (B), 21.-25.08.2011, , .
- Slemr, F.,Brunke, E.-G.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kuss, J. (2011) . Worldwide trend of atmospheric mercury since 1995. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 11, , , 10, 4779-4787. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ahrens, L.,Herzke, D.,Huber, S.,Bustnes, J.O.,Bangjord, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Temporal Trends and Pattern of Polyfluoroalkyl Compounds in Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) Eggs from Norway, 1986−2009. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 45, , , 19, 8090-8097. DOI: .
- Weinberg, I.,Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Landfills as sources of polyfluorinated compounds, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and musk fragrances to ambient air. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 45, , , 4, 935-941. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Xie, Z.,Moeller, A.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Brominated Flame Retardants in Seawater and Atmosphere of the Atlantic and the Southern Ocean. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 45, , , 5, 1820-1826. DOI: .
- Rubarth, J.,Dreyer, A.,Guse, N.,Einax, J.W.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Perfluorinated compounds in red-throated divers from the German Baltic Sea: new findings from their distribution in 10 different tissues. Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 8, , , 4, 419-428. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Vierke, L.,Ahrens, L.,Shoeib, M.,Reiner, E.J.,Guo, R.,Palm, W.-U.,Ebinghaus, R.,Harner, T. (2011) . Air concentrations and particle–gas partitioning of polyfluoroalkyl compounds at a wastewater treatment plant. Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 8, , , 4, 363-371. DOI: .
- Zhao, Z.,Zhong, G.,Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Tang, J.,Zhang, G. (2011) . Levels and distribution of Dechlorane Plus in coastal sediments of the Yellow Sea, North China. Chemosphere, Vol. 83, , , 7, 984-990. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Moeller, A.,Xie.Z.,Caba, A.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in the atmosphere of the North Sea. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 159, , , 12, 3660-3665. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Cai, M.,Zhong, G.,Huang, P.,Cai, Mg.,Sturm, R.,He, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers vs Alternate Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes from East Asia to the Arctic. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 45, , , 16, 6793-6799. DOI: .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Cai, M.,Zhong, G.,Huang, P.,Cai, Mg.,Sturm, R.,He, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Polybrominated diphenyl ethers vs. alternate brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes from East Asia to the Arctic. 31st International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2011, Vol. , Bruessel (B), 21.-25.08.2011, , .
- Xie, Z.,Koch, B.P.,Moeller, A.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011) . Transport and fate of hexachlorocyclohexanes in the oceanic air and surface seawater. Biogeosciences, Vol. 8, , , 9, 2621-2633. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Dreyer, A.,Matthias, V.,Weinberg, I.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Wet deposition of poly- and perfluorinated compounds in Northern Germany. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 158, , , 5, 1221-1227. DOI: .
- Busch, J.,Ahrens, L.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Polyfluoroalkylcompounds in the East Greenland Arctic Ocean. International Polar Year's Oslo Science Conference, IPY-OSC, Vol. , Oslo (N), 08.-12.06.2010, , .
- Ahrens, L.,Gerwinski, W.,Theobald, N.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Sources of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Norwegian Sea: Evidence from their spatial distribution in surface water. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 60, , , 2, 255-260. DOI: .
- Ahrens, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Spatial distribution of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in dab (Limanda limanda) bile fluids from Iceland and the North Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 60, , , 1, 145-148. DOI: .
- Ahrens, L.,Taniyasu, S.,Yeung, L.W.Y.,Yamashita, N.,Lam, P.K.S.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Distribution of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in water, suspended particulate matter and sediment from Tokyo Bay, Japan. Chemosphere, Vol. 79, , , 3, 266-272. DOI: .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Busch, J.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Non-PBDE brominated flame retardants and Dechlorane Plus in air and seawater of the Arctic. 5th International Symposium on Brominated Flame Retardants, BFR 2010, Vol. , Kyoto (J), 07.-09.04.2010, , .
- Ahrens, L.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Distribution of perfluoroalkyl compounds in seawater from Northern Europe, Atlantic Ocean, and Southern Ocean. Chemosphere, Vol. 78, , , 8, 1011-1016. DOI: .
- Moeller, A.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Riverine Transport and Sources of Polyfluoroalkyl Compounds (PFCs) along the Rivers Elbe and Rhine. Large River Basins: Danube meets Elbe, 38th IAD Conference, Vol. , Dresden (D), 22.-25.06.2010, , .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Busch, J.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Non-PBDE brominated flame retardants in air and seawater of the Arctic. International Polar Year's Oslo Science Conference, IPY-OSC, Vol. , Oslo (N), 08.-12.06.2010, , .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Busch, J.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Non-PBDE brominated flame retardants in air and seawater of the Arctic. SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Sevilla (E), 23.-27.05.2010, , .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Large-Scale Distribution and Transport of Dechlorane Plus in Air and Sea Water of the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean. 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2010, Vol. , San Antonio, TX (USA), 12.-17.09.2010, , .
- Ebinghaus, R.,Slemr, F. (2010) . Fate and Distribution of Total Gaseous Mercury in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere as Observed on Transcontinental Flights by CARIBIC Measurements. SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Sevilla (E), 23.-27.05.2010, , .
- Wolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Distribution of organic UV-filters in surface water of the River Elbe. 38th Conference of the International Association for Danube Research, Large River Basins-Danube meets Elbe, Vol. , Dresden (D), 23.-25.06.2010, , .
- Wolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Distribution of benzotriazoles and benzothiazols in surface waters of German Rivers and the German Bight. SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Sevilla (E), 23.-27.05.2010, , .
- Busch, J.,Ahrens, L.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in the East Greenland Arctic Ocean. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Vol. 12, , , , 1242-1246. DOI: .
- Busch, J.,Ahrens, L.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Polyfluoroalkylcompounds in the East Greenland Arctic Ocean. SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Sevilla (E), 23.-27.05.2010, , .
- Bollmann, U.,Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Einax, J.W.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Organophosphor-Flammschutzmittel im Oberflaechenwasser der kuestennahen Umwelt. Von der Erkenntnis zur Entscheidung, Umwelt 2010, Vol. , Dessau-Rosslau (D), 06.-09.09.2010, , .
- Brunke, E.-G.,Labuschagne, C.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Slemr, F. (2010) . Gaseous elemental mercury depletion events observed at Cape Point during 2007–2008. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 10, , , 3, 1121-1131. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Langer, V.,Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Volatile polyfluorierte Verbindungen in Innenraumluft. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie, Vol. 16, , , 2, 38-40.
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Levels and Transport of PBDES and Alternative Brominated Flame Retardants in Air and Seawater from the Arctic to the Antarctica. 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2010, Vol. , San Antonio, TX (USA), 12.-17.09.2010, , .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Large-Scale Distribution and Transport of Dechlorane Plus in Air and Sea Water of the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean. Organohalogen Compounds, 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2010, Vol. 72, San Antonio, TX (USA), 12.-17.09.2010, , 723-726.
- Sprovieri, F.,Pirrone, N.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Dommergue, A. (2010) . Corrigendum to"A review of worldwide atmospheric mercury measurements" published in Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10 ( 2010) 8245–8265. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 10, , , 17, 8531. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Sprovieri, F.,Pirrone, N.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Dommergue, A. (2010) . A review of worldwide atmospheric mercury measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 10, , , 17, 8245-8265. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Dommergue, A.,Sprovieri, F.,Pirrone, N.,Ebinghaus, R.,Brooks, S.,Courteaud, J.,Ferrari, C. (2010) . Overview of mercury measurements in the Antarctic troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 10, , , 7, 3309-3319. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Siebert, U. (2010) . Organische Schadstoffe in der Meeresumwelt. World Ocean Review, Mit den Meeren leben, Vol. 1, , , , 82-85.
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Levels and Transport of PBDES and Alternative Brominated Flame Retardants in Air and Seawater from the Arctic to the Antarctica. Organohalogen Compounds, 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2010, Vol. 72, San Antonio, TX (USA), 12.-17.09.2010, , 729-731.
- Langer, V.,Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Polyfluorinated Compounds in Residential and Nonresidential Indoor Air. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 44, , , 21, 8075-8081. DOI: .
- Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Perfluorinated compounds in marine surface waters: data from the Baltic Sea and methodological challenges for future studies. Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 7, , , 5, 429-434. DOI: .
- Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Large-Scale Distribution of Dechlorane Plus in Air and Seawater from the Arctic to Antarctica. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 44, , , 23, 8977-8982. DOI: .
- Dreyer, A.,Shoeib, M.,Fiedler, S.,Barber, J.,Harner, T.,Schramm, K.-W.,Jones, K.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Field intercomparison on the determination of volatile and semivolatile polyfluorinated compounds in air. Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 7, , , 4, 350-358. DOI: .
- Wolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Verteilung von Benzothiazolen und Benzotriazolen entlang des Estuarbereichs der Elbe und Weser. Von der Erkenntnis zur Entscheidung, Umwelt 2010, Vol. , Dessau-Rosslau (D), 06.-09.09.2010, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2010) . Chemie und Transport von atmosphaerischen Spurenstoffen: Das chemische Anthroprozaen.
- Ebinghaus, R.,Oheimb, G. v.,Palm, W.-U. (2010) . Ecology and Environmental Chemistry.
- Moeller, A.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Westerveld, J.,Wielen, F.van der,Ebinghaus, R.,de Voogt, P. (2010) . Distribution and sources of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the River Rhine watershed. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 158, , , 10, 3243-3250. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ahrens, L.,Siebert, U.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Total body burden and tissue distribution of polyfluorinated compounds in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the German Bight. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 58, , , 4, 520-525. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Overview of Available Observations and Future Plans. Focusing on Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Arctic, Workshop, Vol. , St. Petersburg (RUS), 01.-03.04.2009, , .
- Ahrens, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Perfluorierte Substanzen in der marinen Umwelt. 3. Berliner LC/MS/MS Symposium, Vol. , Berlin (D), 16.-17.03.2009, , .
- Slemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Hermann, M.,Kock, H.H.,Martinsson, B.,Schuck, T.,Sprung, D.,Velthoven, P.van,Zahn, A.,Ziereis, H. (2009) . Gaseous mercury distribution in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere observed onboard the CARIBIC passenger aircraft. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 9, , , 6, 1957-1969. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Dreyer, A.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Distribution of airborne polyfluorinated compounds in the marine atmosphere of the Atlantic and Southern Ocean. Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Goeteborg (S), 31.05.-04.06.2009, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury. ERCA 2009, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Vol. , Grenoble (F), 12.01.-14.02.2009, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs). ERCA 2009, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Vol. , Grenoble (F), 12.01.-14.02.2009, , .
- Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Polyfluorinated compounds in ambient air from ship- and land-based measurements in northern Germany. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 43, , , 8, 1527-1535. DOI: .
- Kratzer, J.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in biles of common dabs (Limanda limanda) collected at the coasts of Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Iceland and in the central North Sea. Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Goeteborg (S), 31.05.-04.06.2009, , .
- Busch, J.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in landfill leachates in northern Germany. Water Framework Directive and Emerging Pollutants Measures to minimize river contamination by WWTP discharges, Workshop, Vol. , Koblenz (D), 21.-22.04.2009, , .
- Kock, H.H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Slemr, F. (2009) . Measurements of Total Gaseous Mercury in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere as Observed by CARIBIC flights. 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Vol. , Guiyang (VRC), 07.-12.06.2009, , .
- Busch, J.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in landfill leachates in Northern Germany. Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Goeteborg (S), 31.05.-04.06.2009, , .
- Steffen, A.,Bottenheim, J.,Staebler, R.,Netcheva, S.,Lee, P.,Cole, A.,Scherz, T.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Understanding the role of the atmosphere around the Arctic Ocean during atmospheric mercury depletion events. 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Vol. , Guiyang (VRC), 07.-12.06.2009, , .
- Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Brunke, E.G.,Labuschagne, C.,Slemr, F. (2009) . Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric mercury at GAW Stations Mace Head, Ireland and Cape Point, South Africa. 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Vol. , Guiyang (VRC), 07.-12.06.2009, , .
- Corbitt, B.,Jacob, D.,Holmes, C.,Smith-Downey, N.,Selin, N.,Streets, D.,Slemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Recent Developments in the GEOS-Chem Mercury Model and Application to Future Emission and Climate Scenarios. 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Vol. , Guiyang (VRC), 07.-12.06.2009, , .
- Brunke, E.G.,Labuschagne, C.,Mkololo, T.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Slemr, F. (2009) . First annual time series of TGM measurements at Cape Point GAW station (34°21´S, 18°29´E). 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Vol. , Guiyang (VRC), 07.-12.06.2009, , .
- Langer, V.,Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Measuring indoor air concentrations of polyfluorinated compounds with Passive Samplers. 12th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Vol. , Stockholm (S), 14.-17.06.2009, , .
- Weinberg, I.,Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Determination of poly- and perfluorinated compounds (PFC) in the marine atmosphere of the Baltic Sea. 12th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Vol. , Stockholm (S), 14.-17.06.2009, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Umweltmonitoring von neuartigen Problemstoffen am Beispiel der Polyfluorierten Organischen Verbindungen (PFCs). Umweltchemie Oekotoxikologie, Jahrestagung der GDCh-Fachgruppe, Vol. , Trier (D), 23.-25.09.2009, , .
- Dreyer, A.,Matthias, V.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Annual Time Series of Air Concentrations of Polyfluorinated Compounds. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 43, , , 11, 4029-4036. DOI: .
- Ebinghaus, R.,Banic, C.,Beauchamp, S.,Jaffe, D.,Kock, H.-H.,Pirrone, N.,Poissant, L.,Sprovieri, F.,Weiss-Penzias, P.S. (2009) . Spatial coverage and temporal trends of land-based atmospheric mercury measurements in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Mercury Fate and Transport in the Global Atmosphere - Emissions, Measurements and Models, Vol. , , , , 223-291. DOI: .
- Ahrens, L.,Barber, J.L.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Longitudinal and Latitudinal Distribution of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds in the Surface Water of the Atlantic Ocean. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 43, , , 9, 3122-3127. DOI: .
- Moeller, A.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Identification of point sources of polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) along the River Rhine watershed and their transportation into the North Sea. Coastline Reports - International approaches of coastal research in theory and practice, Vol. 13, , , , 143-154.
- Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Regional and global cycling of atmospheric mercury - new insights from land-, ship- and aircraft-based measurements. Institutsseminar der ETH Zuerich, Institut fuer Chemie- und Bioingenieurwissenschaften, Vol. , Zuerich (CH), 23.10.2009, , .
- Ahrens, L.,Yamashita, N.,Yeung, L.W.Y.,Taniyasu, S.,Horii, Y.,Lam, P.K.S.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Partitioning Behavior of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Compounds between Pore Water and Sediment in Two Sediment Cores from Tokyo Bay, Japan. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 43, , , 18, 6969-6975. DOI: .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Monitoring of Emerging Organic Pollutants in the Atmospheric and Marine Environment. Scuola Estiva: Metodi Innovativi nell'Analisi Chimica Ambientale, Vol. , Feltre (I), 07.-12.09.2009, , .
- Dreyer, A.,Weinberg, I.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Polyfluorinated Compounds in the Atmosphere of the Atlantic and Southern Oceans: Evidence for a Global Distribution. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 43, , , 17, 6507-6514. DOI: .
- Dreyer A.,Langer, V.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Determination of Octanol−Air Partition Coefficients (KOA) of Fluorotelomer Acrylates, Perfluoroalkyl Sulfonamids, and Perfluoroalkylsulfonamido Ethanols. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 54, , , 11, 3022-3025. DOI: .
- Ahrens, L.,Felizeter, S.,Sturm, R.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Polyfluorinated compounds in waste water treatment plant effluents and surface waters along the River Elbe, Germany. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 58, , , 9, 1326-1333. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ahrens, L.,Siebert, U.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Temporal trends of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the German Bight. Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Goeteborg (S), 31.05.-04.06.2009, , .
- Ahrens, L.,Plassmann, M.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Determination of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in water and suspended particulate matter in the River Elbe and North Sea, Germany. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China, Vol. 3, , , 2, 152-170. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ahrens, L.,Felizeter, S.,Sturm, R.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in municipal waste water effluents and water samples along the river Elbe, Germany. Water Framework Directive and Emerging Pollutants, Workshop, Vol. , Koblenz (D), 21.-22.04.2009, , .
- Ahrens, L.,Siebert, U.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Rekonstruktion der Belastung der Deutschen Bucht mit polyfluorierten organischen Substanzen anhand von Robbengewebeproben. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie, Vol. 15, , , 1, 2-5. OPEN ACCESS
- Moeller, A.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in municipal waste water effluents and water samples along the river Elbe, Germany. Water Framework Directive and Emerging Pollutants, Workshop, Vol. , Koblenz (D), 21.-22.04.2009, , .
- Ahrens, L.,Felizeter, S.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Spatial distribution of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in seawater of the German Bight. Chemosphere, Vol. 76, , , 2, 179-184. DOI: .
- Moeller, A.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009) . Poly- and perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) in surface water along the River Rhine. Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Goeteborg (S), 31.05.-04.06.2009, , .
- Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.-H.,Brunke, E.-G.,Labuschagne, C.,Slemr, F. (2008) . Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric mercury at GAW Stations Mace Head, Ireland and Cape Point, South Africa. 10th IGAC Conference, Bridging the scales in Atmospheric Chemistry : Local to Global, Vol. , Annecy (F), 07.-12.09.2008, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs). ERCA 2008, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Vol. , Grenoble (F), 0701..-08.02.2008, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury. ERCA 2008, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Vol. , Grenoble (F), 07.01.-08.02.2008, , .
- Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Analytical methods for the determination of emerging organic contaminants in the atmosphere. Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 610, , , 2, 156-178. DOI: .
- Kock, H.-H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Slemr, F.,Zahn, A. (2008) . Messungen von atmosphaerischem Quecksilber im Rahmen von CARIBIC. Neue Entwicklungen bei der Messung und Beurteilung der Luftqualitaet, VDI-Tagung, Vol. , Nuernberg (D), 24.-25.06.2008, , .
- Dreyer, A.,Temme, C.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Optimized method avoiding solvent-induced response enhancement in the analysis of volatile and semi-volatile polyfluorinated alkylated compounds using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, Vol. 1178, , , 1-2, 199-205. DOI: .
- Slemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.-H.,Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M.,Zahn, A.,Velthoven, P.van,Hermann, M.,Martinsson, B. (2008) . Distribution of total gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. EGU General Assembly 2008, Vol. , Wien (A), 13.-18.04.2008, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Spatial coverage and temporal trends of land-based atmospheric mercury measurements in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Joint International Conference of the UNEP Global Partnership on Atmospheric Mercury Transport and Fate Research & Task Force on Hemispheric Transport pof Air Pollution of the UNECE-LRTAP Convention, Vol. , Rom (I), 07.-11.04.2008, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Vorkommen und Verhalten von Umweltchemikalien - Meereschemie.
- Slemr, F.,Brunke, E.G.,Labuschagne, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Total gaseous mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW station and their seasonality. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 35, , , , L11807. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Mercury cycling in the Arctic – Does enhanced deposition flux mean net-input?. Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 5, , , 2, 87-88. DOI: .
- Steffen, A.,Douglas, T.,Amyot, M.,Ariya, P.,Aspmo, K.,Berg, T.,Bottenheim, J.,Brooks, S.,Cobett, F.,Dastoor, A.,Dommergue, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ferrari, C.,Gardfeldt, K.,Goodsite, M.E.,Lean, D.,Poulain, A.J.,Scherz, C.,Skov, H.,Sommar, J.,Temme, C. (2008) . A synthesis of atmospheric mercury depletion event chemistry in the atmosphere and snow. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 8, , , 6, 1445-1482. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R.,Floeser, G.,Caba, A.,Ruck, W. (2008) . Occurrence and distribution of triclosan in the German Bight (North Sea). Environmental Pollution, Vol. 156, , , 3, 1190-1195. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Xie, Z.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Polyfluorinated compounds in the air and surface water in the coastal environment. 5th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, Vol. , Beijing (VRC), 21.-24.09.2008, , .
- Ahrens, L.,Xie, Z.,Siebert, U.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Temporal and Spatial Trends of Polyfluorinated Compounds in Common Seals (Phoca vitulina) from the North and Baltic Sea. 5th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, Vol. , Beijing (VRC), 21.-24.09.2008, , .
- Ebinghaus, R.,Haerdtle, W.,Palm, W. (2008) . Master Modul: Ecosystem responses to chemical pollution.
- Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R.,Lohmann, R.,Ruck, W. (2008) . Occurrence and latitudinal distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers from the North Sea to the Arctic. SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Warschau (PL), 25.-29.05.2008, , .
- Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Polyfluorinated Componds in Air Samples of the German Bight and Hamburg. 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2008, Vol. , Birmingham (GB), 17.-22.08.2008, , .
- Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Polyfluorinated Componds in Air Samples of the German Bight and Hamburg. Organohalogen Compounds, 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2008, Vol. 70, Birmingham (GB), 17.-22.08.2008, , 1259-1262.
- Thuens, S.,Dreyer, A.,Sturm, R.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008) . Determination of the Octanol-Air Partition Coefficients (KOA) of Fluorotelomer Alcohols. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 53, , , 1, 223-227. DOI: .