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Logistics & Organization Coastal Research

The department performs inter-institute tasks and thus forms the interface for the Hereon Institutes from the Helmholtz research field "Earth and Environment". This includes the coordination of measurement campaigns, mission planning and support of the research vessels, the construction of the research platform Tesperhude as well as the support of the powerful server and network infrastructure HPC cluster "Strand" for scientific computing. Current focus is the project management and coordination for the new construction of the research vessel "Coriolis". In cooperation with the central department for communication and media, the participation of the institutes in public events is coordinated and realized. Conception, implementation, maintenance and further development of the media presence are also part of this.

The new ship will cover a broad, interdisciplinary array of coastal research, materials research, polymer research and digitization and thus be used in a variety of ways by Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon and its partners for research and education.

Website Construction "Coriolis"

Research vessel Ludwig Prandtl (Photo: S. Billerbeck / Hereon)

In addition to our research vessels with operational schedules, you will also find information on the maintenance of measuring instruments and the EDP infrastructure on the website.

Website Equipment

Rechnerplatine (Foto: Getty Images/Istockphoto, crstrbrt)

The HPC cluster "Strand" is a cluster for scientific computing used across institutes at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon.

Website HPC Cluster

Research Platform Tesperhude (Photo: M. Stresser / Hereon)

Since 2022, the research platform in Tesperhude provides continuous data about the water quality of the Elbe, which is made publicly available.

Website Research Platform in Tesperhude

Screenshot Blog Küstenforschung

Our blog reports from the everyday life of the scientists, who are working in the "Coastal Research" area.

Blog "Küstenforschung"

Team Members of the department "Logistics and Organization Coastal Research"

Website Team Members