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Model Data

Residual Currents in the North Sea

Residual currents in the North Sea

Slow, directed water body movements are superimposed over rapid, regular tidal motions. These "residual currents” are vital for all long-distance transport. Daily German Bight residual current fields for the years 1958 to 2015 can be found here.

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Drift App

Image of drift app

Knowledge of the history of the inverstigated waterbody is very important for a factual interpretation of sample data that is gathered at specific stations or during special campaigns. With this tool, drift paths can be calculated on the basis of operationally generated current fields (BSH).

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Oil Drift


The deployment of chemical dispersants is an option to combat oil spills. An oil layer is dispersed into small oil droplets and mixed into the water column. The tool (Bayesian network) shows if dispersants should be used in case of an oil spill. You can see the probability that under changing conditions with or without dispersant the oil spill enters the German Wadden Sea.

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