Technologie Hero Istock-955100114 Wmaster890


Transition metal oxides with metastable phases: a way towards superior ferroic properties

Fig. 1 : HRTEM image of the Bi1-xPrxFeO3 at the phase boundary. The regions with different structural symmetry are marked by dot lines. Insets show FFT images of the different structural phases.
Fuding programme
Project start
Project end
Total budget
783.000 €
• Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research,
Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)

The main objective of the project is development of complex transition metal oxides with perovskite-like structure having improved and controllable (multi)ferroic properties. The mentioned materials are manganites and ferrites with optimal composition having distinct magnetization, polarization, (magneto)transport properties and/or magnetoelectric coupling. The idea of the project is to utilize reduced structural stability of these oxides governed by multiple structural state (Fig. 1) which increases their sensitivity to external stimuli.

Transferr 2

Fig. 2: The XRD pattern of the Pr-doped BiFeO3 compound with composition near the phase boundary. The inset shows an evolution of the structural peaks attributed to the different structural phases

Improved functional properties of these oxides can be controlled via modification of the chemical bond character, structural parameters, stoichiometry, defects etc. The reduced stability is associated with the metastable structural state formed in the vicinity of the phase boundaries, while this state presumably consists of coexistent nanoscale regions of the adjacent structural phases (Fig. 2).
The Project realization is based on the two main scientific approaches aimed at the creation of metastable state of the compounds: the first one considers a design of ceramics via chemical substitution and post-synthesis treatment by high pressure and/or thermal cycling in gases to induce nanoscale regions, the second one assumes chemical routes synthesis of the films and ceramics.

Besides the fundamental interest of the Project associated with the phase transitions and related phenomena affecting properties of the oxides the scientific teams consider the compounds under study to be effective materials for electronic applications (as magnetic/electric field sensors, magnetic memory elements, filters etc). Research of these materials requires consolidative efforts of specialists in different scientific areas - Materials Science, Theoretical Physics, Solid State Physics etc. as well as an access to unique equipment and facilities.

Another important objective of the Project is a formation of interdisciplinary network of teams and specialists with different scientific backgrounds which will ensure effective transfer of actual knowledge and skills. Development of the transition metal oxides with controllable properties has promising commercial opportunities for the involved commercial company.


Prof. Dr. Mikhail Zheludkevich
Prof. Dr. Mikhail Zheludkevich Directot of Institute

Institute of Surface Science

Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1988

E-mail contact
Dr. Maria Serdechnova
Dr. Maria Serdechnova Researcher

Institute of Surface Science

Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1907

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