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Safe use of aluminium in marine multi-material constructions


Project timeline
July 2021
36 months
June 2024
General Information
The main objective of MARINAL is to strengthen and extend the use of aluminium (Al) alloys in marine applications offering a throughout “green” solution. The project thus contributes predominantly to the cross-cutting topic of "environmentally friendly maritime technologies". With its focus on aluminium, it leads to the use of new materials, coatings and construction methods, uses the recyclability of aluminium and can thus contribute to the conservation of resources. It looks at the overall energy and life cycle balances for different maritime systems. In addition, areas of other cross-cutting themes are addressed, such as "Maritime Safety" and "Smart Materials for Maritime Use". A central point in the project is the generation of reliable data regarding the safe use of Al in maritime construction, which will contribute to improve the technical safety and reliability of aluminium in maritime systems.

Hereon is responsible for the sub-project “Corrosion, Corrosion Protection and Modelling”. The focus of the sub-project is on fundamental investigations of the corrosion properties of standard aluminium alloys, including recycled alloys, under marine conditions and the development of innovative environmentally friendly protection concepts. Furthermore, numerical simulation concepts for the optimisation of Al/steel bolted joints via a virtual analysis of design, layer and material selection will be used.

MARINAL is funded in the frame of MarTERA (Maritime and Marine Technologies for a new ERA), which is an ERA-NET Cofund scheme of Horizon 2020 of the European Commission together with 16 national funding authorities.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaERA-NET MarTERA
Project TypeERA-NET MarTERA project
Contract Number003SX552B
Co-ordinatorSINTEF (NO)
Funding for the Project (€) Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Maria Serdechnova, Institute of Surface Science, Functional Surfaces, MOF, Phone: +49 4152 87 1907 and Dr. Carsten Blawert Institute of Surface Science, Functional Surfaces, MOF, Phone: +49 4152 87 1991
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Muehlhan AG (DE), Norsk Hydro ASA (NO), SINTEF (NO)
Last Update: 27. July 2021