Küste Hero Istock-1209864348 Anna Gorbacheva

Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea Observation, forecasting and information system


Project timeline
April 2007
30 months
September 2009
General Information
The purpose of YEOS is to strengthen the GEOSS cooperation between EU and other key GEOSS players, by a two-step, bottom-up approach. The first step is to demonstrate benefits and build up confidence through a solid cooperation at national level (i.e., EU States-China-South Korea) and regional level (i.e., BOOS - Yellow Sea OOS). The second step is to enlarge the cooperation to EuroGOOS at NearGOOS levels. In practice the second stage will be between GMES/GEOSS Projects in EU (e.g., MERSEA/ECOOP) and in NE Asia countries China-Korea-Japan-Russia. This includes, e.g., sharing satellite/in-situ data and best practice, and using MERSEA global forecast as boundary condition for NE Asia forecasting system . YEOS will fulfil the 1st step GEOSS cooperation by 1) jointly building up a proto-type Yellow Sea observation, forecasting and information system; 2) demonstrating the system in a period around August 2008, when all Yacht Games of 2008 Olympic Game will be performed in Yellow Sea waters; 3) disseminating YEOS products in different user levels especially to stake-holders and policy makers, and carry out international cooperation between regional Operational Oceanography Systems (OOSs) in Baltic and Yellow Sea (BOOS-YOOS). The YEOS observation system will be based on the integration of the existing China-Korea monitoring system in Yellow Sea. YEOS forecasting system is built on advanced and matured European-Chinese operational modelling technology, including coupled ocean-ice and sediment transport forecasting system from Denmark and Germany (with ECMWF weather forcing), wave forecasting system and variational assimilation from China. YEOS, as a seed, will initiate the second stage GEOSS cooperation through a forum which consists of the YEOS consortium and the key players in European-NE Asia GEOSS projects, who will be invited as YEOS Advisory Group member. The outcome from the forum will be the 2nd stage GEOOS cooperation plan between EU and NE Asia countries.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaFP6-2005-Global-4, Observing systems and operational forecasting; Physical Oceanography
Project TypeSpecific Support Action
Contract NumberFP6-2006-037030
Co-ordinatorDanish Meteorological Institute, DK
Total Eligible Costs (€) Hereon Eligible Costs (€) EC Funding for Hereon (€)
446.68079.700 79.700
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Gerhard Gayer, Institute for Coastal Research, KSD Phone: +49 4152 87 1506, Fax : +49 4152 87 1565
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

China-Korea Joint Ocean Research Center (CN), Chinese Academy of Sciences-Institute of Atmospheric Physics (CN), Danish Meteorological Institute (DK), First Institute of Oceanography-State Oceanic Administration (CN), Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KR), North China Sea Branch of the State Oceanic Adimistration (CN), Ocean University of China (CN)

(completed September 2009)

Last Update: 16. April 2021