Küste Hero Istock-1209864348 Anna Gorbacheva

Investigation on damage tolerance behaviour of Aluminium alloys


Project timeline
January 2002
42 months
June 2005
General Information
Airframes are designed according to the Fail Safe Concept allowing for certain defect sizes. This concept requires the monitoring of the airframe structure at determined inspection intervals to ensure the defects staying in the stable crack growth regime. Such a system has been developed in the past and is in good agreement with theories that have been generated and verified based on the long term experience with the standard Aluminium alloy 2024. With the recent optimisation of Aluminium-Copper-Magnesium alloys and the selection / development of new Aluminium alloy types for fuselage and wing applications it becomes necessary to verify that these theories derived from 2024 experience are transferrable to other alloys and whether the same tests are applicable for characterisation of their damage tolerant behaviour. The overall objective of the IDA project is to establish a comprehensive understanding of the fatigue crack propagation mechanisms for the recently developed Aluminium alloys.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaFP5-GROWTH-1999, Key action 4: New perspectives in Aeronautics; Structures and materials application
Project TypeRTD
Contract NumberG4RD-CT-2001-00629
Co-ordinatorEADS Airbus GmbH (DE)
Total Eligible Costs (€) Hereon Eligible Costs (€) EC Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Norbert Huber, Institute of Materials Research, phone: +49-4152-87 2500 (initial contact: Dr. Mustafa Kocak, Institute of Materials Research)
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Aérospatiales (FR), AIRBUS UK Ltd. (UK), Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR (DE), EADS Airbus GmbH (DE), EADS Deutschland GmbH (DE), Finmeccanica SpA (IT), GIE EADS CCR (FR), ISTRAM, Institute of Structures and Advanced Materials, Patras (GR), Pechiney S.A. (FR), University of Limerick (IE)

(completed June 2005)

Last Update: 16. April 2021