Küste Hero Istock-1209864348 Anna Gorbacheva

Estimation of human impact in the presence of natural fluctuations


Project timeline
January 2000
36 months
December 2002
General Information
The IMPACT project aims at developing, testing and disseminating generic decision support tools that can match technological advancements in environmental monitoring and facilitate interpretation of time series of environmental data. The common objective of the procedures that will be developed is to separate human impact from natural fluctuations in the state of the environment. The new tools will involve: (i) meteorological or hydrological normalisation of time series of environmental quality data; (ii) significance tests for retrospective impact assessment in the presence of natural fluctuations; (iii) model reductions based on sensitivity analyses of model outputs. The approach is novel in the sense that mechanistic models based on physical, chemical and biological concepts and theories are fully integrated with statistical methods. End users will be involved in the design and dissemination of the decision support tools.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaFP5-IST-1999, Systems and Services for the Citizens; New indicators and statistical methods; CPA4: Large scale systems survivability
Project TypeRTD
Contract NumberIST-1999-11313
Co-ordinatorLinkoeppings Universitet (SE)
Total Eligible Costs (€) Hereon Eligible Costs (€) EC Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Ulrich Callies, Institute for Coastal Research, KSS Phone: +49-4152-87 2837, Fax : +49-4152-87 2818
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

EC Joint Research Centre Ispra (IT), Ecole des Mines de Paris/ARMINES (FR), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FI), Lancaster University (UK), Linkoeppings Universitet (SE), University of Washington (US)

(completed December 2002)

Last Update: 16. April 2021