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European Catchments - Catchment changes and their impact on the Coast


Project timeline
February 2001
36 months
January 2004
General Information
EUROCAT will develop a quantifiable framework of analysis for improved planning and management of catchments by analysing the response of the coastal sea to changes in fluxes of nutrients and contaminants from the catchments. These changes in fluxes are caused by the implementation of regulations, management schemes and by socio-economic changes. In addition the rate of change is modified by the biogeochemical and physical properties of the catchment. To elucidate these various factors, six regional catchment studies will be carried out using a common framework of analysis (DPSIR) in different socio-economic settings and geographical conditions. To link the socio-economic drivers in the catchment to the coastal response, the concept of critical loads will be extended to the catchment-coast continuum.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaFP5-EESD-1999, KA1: Sustainable Management and Quality of Water, Integrated management and sustainable use of water at catchment scale (1.1.4.-1.1)
Project TypeRTD
Contract NumberEVK1-CT-2000-00044
Co-ordinatorHelmholtz Zentrum Hereon (DE)
Total Eligible Costs (€) Hereon Eligible Costs (€) EC Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Jens Kappenberg, Institute for Coastal Research, KSS Phone: +49-4152-87 1879, Fax : +49-4152-87 2818
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Centro di Ingegneria Economica e Sociale (IT), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (DE), CNRS (FR), Geodaten Integration & Analyse (DE), Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (DE), Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (GR), National Centre for Marine Research (GR), National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management (NL), Natural Environment Research Council (UK), Nicholas Copernicus University (PL), Technical University of Gdansk (PL), Université de Droit d'Economie et des Sciences d'Aix-Marseille (FR), Université Pierre et Marie Curie (FR), University Of The Aegean (GR), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)

(completed January 2004)

Last Update: 18. May 2021